Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Limitation of cash payments between professionals

Next week becomes effective the limitation of cash payments, introduced in the Law 7/2012 of 29th of October about the modification of tax and budget regulations and adaptation of the financial normative in line with the intensified prevention and battle against fraud. Amongst other measures in the Law is also the limitation of cash payments, which we detail in continuation.

In this respect, the article 7 of the above mentioned law establishes that it is not allowed to pay in cash equal or superior amount to 2.500 euros in such operations where one of the intervening participants is an entrepreneur or a professional, (15.000 euros if the payer is a private person who is not a fiscal resident in Spain and does not participate in the operation as an entrepreneur or a professional), breach of which is considered a serious administrative offense. To this effect, as cash payment are considered both national and foreign notes and coins, and bank cheques to carrier or any other medium, even electronic, conceived to be used as a payment to carrier.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meet our associates: Sea Teach S.L.

SEA TEACH. Silja Teege, the owner and director of this experienced company tells us about the difficulties the charter companies are going through in these moments. She also makes a global review of the trajectory of this company in Cala d'Or.

Could you talk me about the trajectory of the company?
We started being Sea Teach in the year 2000, the moment when we realized that in Cala d'Or there was not any charter company. The taste from yacht comes from my husband who has been with boats all his life and he was qualified before coming to Mallorca.

How have you fared the tourist season that has ended?
It has not been as good as it used to be. Less boats are sold and we notice it in the school because as there are less people that buy boats, less people want to learn boating. And related to the charter side we can tell that our British market has decreased. The German market has been very good and the Swiss market has been fantastic.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Letter from the President - December 2012

Dear Associates,

This past November has been one of the busiest months of the year. With very short time in between the next Palma Boat Show has been presented and the Working Group of the Nautical Sector, consisting of the main associations of the sector (including AENB) and executives of the Public Administration had the first meeting.

In the middle of the month details of the next Palma Boat Show were revealed. The association has inverted countless hours in this project. Already before we knew the 2012 edition was not going to be celebrated, we started to work with all the proposals and suggestions that you passed on to us, searching for a formula that would allow us to créate a viable project, with a capacity to satisfy equally exhibitors, professionals, clients as well as occasional visitors. And above all for the Show to be able to finance itself. The Palma Boat Show will have 9 exhibition áreas; superyachts and brokerage, nautical tourism, marinas and ports, yacht chárter, local and traditional yachting of the Balearic Islands, diving, sea schools, repair and maintenance of boats, recreational fishing and second hand market. As you can see, the intention is to embrace the whole nautical sector. Besides there will be a very appealing programme of activities for the visitors and potential clients.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Meet our associate: Branagh Marine Composites

BRANAGH MARINE COMPOSITES. Emma Seguí Pickett, the office manager explains us that the company was founded by Mark Branagh, who has an experience of 20 years in the sector. BM Composites dedicates mainly to the repair and fabrication of custom carbon components.

Could you start talking about the trajectory of the company?
Branagh Marine Composites came up in 2005. It is mainly dedicated to the repair and fabrication of custom carbon components. The idea emerged from Mr. Branagh, the owner of the company who has always worked in this sector.

We have grown much during the last years, specially in the last two ones. We are doing very big projects. The present season has gone very well. The results have been very good and we are facing the next years by working hard.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The first meeting of the Nautical Sector Working Group

The first meeting of Working Group of the Nautical Sector took place recently. The principal representatives from the nautical sector, AENB amongst them, directors of the various departments of the government and other members of the public administration participated in the meeting. The objective of the Working Group is to make a diagnostic of the current situation of the nautical sector, listen to the sector´s concerns, recognize the challenges and to establish a plan. We AENB representatives left the meeting with a good feeling and believe it can mark a new beginning for the Balearic nautical sector.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"The new model for the Palma Boat Show is a commitment to the future of the sector”

The Association of Nautical Businesses in the Balearics (AENB) has expressed their satisfaction after the presentation to President Bauzá of the 30th Palma Boat Show. It is a culmination of intense work carried out since the first quarter of the year, when it became known that the government would give a decisive weight to the business sector when it came to designing the new model for the Show.

AENB is one of the entities that form the Advisory Council of the Palma Boat Show. Last September AENB presented to the Advisory Council a project prepared over several months and in which innumerable hours of work and human resources were invested. The Advisory Council and all the public and private organisms that form part of it accepted the proposal and it was presented to the public.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

ANEN has edited the Market Report for Recreational Craft from January to September 2012

Anen has edited the Market Report for Recreational Craft from January to September of 2012. The full document can be accessed through the link http://www.anen.es/index.php?op=menu&mid=5&smid=50

The main industry data for this period is highlighted below: 

- Between January and September 2012 4294 pleasure boats were registered in Spain, which is a decrease of -10.45% compared to the 4795 registrations recorded in the same period last year. 

Of concern is the fact that the month of September has seen a fall of -32.44% over the same month in 2011, from the 336 registrations recorded last year to 227 today. 

- By market sections, the growth in registrations of rigid RIBS (+6.2%) and jets skis (4.4%) stand out. By contrast, the motor boats experienced the largest decline (-19.6%), followed by sail (-12.5%) and inflatable RIBS(-9%). 

ANEN intervenes on behalf of the sector in the Proposed Draft of  General Maritime Law

The Ministry of Justice has reactivated the draft of General Maritime Law which ANEN has been involved in for four years. On October 5th representatives of the various fields in the maritime sector were invited to a workshop to present their positions in relation to this draft, before its presentation to the Parliament. AEGY and ANEN on behalf of the industry were the associations summoned to the meeting which jointly made a presentation based on our needs and, in particular, claimed an independent and differential treatment for recreational yachting, compared to the rest of the maritime sector. 

Our demands were well received and understood, so much so that the proceeding of the project has been delayed one month, until a proposal that meets the legislative requirements of our industry is presented. The legal advisers of AEGY and ANEN are working together to prepare the text, specially regarding the development of specific regulations for the charter activity, which will have a separate chapter in the draft legislation. 

At ANEN we highly value this detail of particular importance for the sector, which means, once and for all a legislative separation of recreational yachting from commercial shipping.

Letter from the President - November 2012

During these months the workload for the Association is considerable. Apart from the regular workshops we assist on we have now joined two new ones: the Sea Council of the CEOE (The Spanish Confederation of Employer´s Organizations) and the Working Group of the Nautical Sector of the Balearic Islands. We are also preparing for next year´s elections to choose the new board of directors for the AENB. 

ANEN recently unveiled the Market Report of Registrations, which states that the Balearic Islands remain one of the provinces with the largest market share of pleasure boats with levels similar to last year´s. 

A few days ago the National Association of Nautical Enterprises (ANEN) published the Market Report for Recreational Craft from January to September 2012. The report shows clearly that the Balearics remain one of the three provinces with the largest market share of pleasure craft with a figure identical to 2011. Amongst all the current pessimism I think we can agree that this is a positive development that could indicate a slowdown of the crisis in our sector. It depends on the activities to be carried out by the Administration in the coming months whether the nautical businesses can once again generate wealth for the community and create jobs. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Interviews with our members: Lifestyle Charter

LIFESTYLE CHARTERS. Tracey Furness is the owner of the business and has an experience of 15 years in the sector. She talks us about this young company dedicated mainly to charter, but without leaving aside the maintenance and refurbishing of boats. 

Could you talk me about the trajectory of the company? 
As Lifestyle Charters we've been working for three years. Before this company we had another one that worked for 12 years. That is, we've been in the sector for 15 years. Our company is now located in Portals. 

Where does this taste for yachting come from? 
We started our own boat 15 years ago. 

How have you fared the present tourist season? 
Of course it has gone better than previous years; but it has not leveled the seasons before 2007, which was before the crisis started. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Interviews with our members: A1 Sailing Mallorca

A1 SAILING MALLORCA, S.L. The owner, Martin Whyte explains us the way they began his company in Mallorca from their natal England. It is a complex company that was founded in 2005 and offers a great variety of services and products. 

Can you talk me about the trajectory of the company? 

We started in 2005 with A1 yacht from England and started with a yacht in A1 sailing school. Then, after the sailing school we moved to boat cleaning, polishing, varnishing, linen service, maintenance, services and repair. After that, we bought the shop and now we have a chandlery business. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

The marine industry generates 2.9% of GDP in The Balearics

The marine industry contributes 2.9% of the GDP in the islands, with over 792 million euros annually, according to the Maritime Innovation Cluster in the Balearics (IDimar), who stressed the importance of supporting small businesses as "a safe bet to the economic future of the islands."

IDimar is one of the entities from the islands that participated in the Barcelona International Boat Show as a part of the joint effort by the Balearic nautical companies to showcase their latest developments and innovations. 

“Participating in the Barcelona International Boat Show is of paramount importance to the Balearic Islands if we want our nautical sector to retain its leading position internationally," says IDimar.

Letter from the President - October 2012

The Barcelona International Boat Show took place last week and AENB was there to support our businesses. It meant several days of intense work, meetings and constant promotion of our member companies. Though a bit lackluster due to the rain, this year´s show leaves room for optimism. And talking of something else, the new project for The Palma Boat Show will be announced soon. It will be a modern event, aimed at both the customers and the exhibitors and will appeal to all audiences. The proposals provided by AENB last May have had a considerable weight when drafting the project.

More than 50,000 people visited the Barcelona Boat Show during the past week. 700 boats occupied the Port Vell and the Spanish nautical companies were present in this most important exhibition in Spain. It couldn´t be any other way for AENB but to make the necessary effort to be present and give support to the Balearic companies. Barcelona is a show of great importance for the Balearic marine industry. Therefore, and despite not having been able to count on the support of the public institutions, the private sector joined forces to make it possible for our businesses to participate in the show. We expect more companies to join next year in this new initiative.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Monaco Yacht Show 2012 - Review

Monaco - The trend for ever larger floating palaces has been on full display at the Monaco yacht show as the world's biggest yacht, codenamed Project Azzam, nears completion under a veil of secrecy in Germany.

Considered the most prestigious event of its kind in the world, this year's show included a record six mega yachts, notching up an average length of 80.11m. These giants of the seas are around twice the size of the average super yacht, already around 45m in length.

Blue skies, fluffy white clouds, over 130 superyachts crammed into the bay outside of Port Hercule and 90 inside the show harbour. Its sunrise on Day 1 of the 2012 Monaco Yacht Show, and silhouetted against the hazy orange horizon the three masts of the iconic 88 metre ‘Maltese Falcon’ catch the eye as always amongst the gathered fleet.

Meanwhile ashore Prince Albert of Monaco has done the opening honours and there is a definite first day buzz around the stands and the dock. Capt. John Percival of Hoylake Sea School and Council Member of the Professional Yachtsman’s Association said; “Its the busiest first day on the PYA stand that we’ve ever had!”

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Registrations Radio Equipment DGMM

All companies and persons who install, do maintenance on, or repair marine electrical radio equipment on a boat, are required to have an authorization from the Merchant Marine Directorate. The registrations are valid for 5 years. If you registered your company for the first time in year 2007, this year you will have to renew your registration.

You can do this by filling the form you can download here and presenting it with the following documentation:

·          Valid certificate of approval of ISO 9001:2002, for type M1
·          Certified copy of the applicant´s DNI/NIF. In case of a power of attorney, a certified copy of the documental proof of authorization.
·          A certificate to be up to date with fiscal responsibilities (AEAT)
·          A certificate to be up to date  with Social Security payments (TGSS)
·          A statement of the payment of Economic Activity Tax, if applicable
·          A list of technical staff doing work for you. In case of changes, provide qualifications or work experience
·          A statement of the payment of a civil liability insurance. In case you have a new contract, the policy must be added.
·          A list of appliances and measuring equipment, which have to be calibrated and in perfect condition.
·          A list of offered services must be available for consultation

You have to present this documentation at the register of the Delegación del Gobierno, situated in C. Constitución 4 in Palma (tel. 971 989 000). You can also do it online with an electronic certificate, by clicking here.

The contact details of the Merchant Marine technician who can assist you:

Juan Defez Cuevas
Jefe de Servicio de Sistemas y Normativa de Telecomunicaciones
Dirección General de la  Marina Mercante Subdirección General de Seguridad, Contaminación e Inspección Marítima
C/ Ruiz de Alarcón, 1 - 28014 Madrid
Fax:     + 34 915979176

Monday, October 1, 2012

The most marine edition of the Barcelona Boat Show comes to an end

The boats and the sea have been the principal players in the Barcelona International Boat Show 2012. With over 700 boats – between the floating exposition and stands on dry land, the show closes its most marine edition so far, having concentrated all of the exposition in the Port Vell. The technological developments applied to nautical sector, the new charter services to attract new customers in times of crisis and festive activities such as nightly boat parade that attracted hundreds of people have left their mark on this edition.

The new type of show has allowed the visitors to see, touch and even sea trial the boats and the new water sports products. For the president of this edition of the show, Luis Conde, "The Barcelona Boat Show remains the best place to find a boat, as exhibitors go to great lengths to present their news and products with attractive prices and the best purchasing conditions for visitors, who have come in large numbers to enjoy the fair."

According to the show's director, Jordi Freixas, "This new model allows us to head for the future, because we have adapted to the needs of the exhibitors and the visitors. Concentrating all the supply in the port facilitates, despite being more exposed to the weather, the visit of the sailing enthusiasts. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Interviews with our members - REVIVAL SUPERYACHTS

REVIVAL SUPERYACHTS. The director, Isobal M. Allan has explained us that in these years they have turned into one of the leading companies of interior designers and fabricators for super yachts.

Please, tell us about the trajectory of the company.

The company began in 1996 and since then we have not done anything but prosper. At the beginning we started painting and repairing vinyls of small boats and suddenly we turned into interior designers. We hire interior designers and we do complete refits on yachts and refurbish houses. In these moments, our main facilities are in Santa Ponça, Mallorca which have a surface of 2000m2. The aim of our craftsmen is to manufacture, renovate and produce the works with an exceptional quality in the required time. In Varadero STP, Palma, Revival has a showroom office to attend the boats that enter into the port. Here, captains and owners can meet with project managers and choose a wide range of materials. Moreover, Revival has an outlet in the ship yard of MB 92 Barcelona, where work can be carried out on site to assist boats in and around Barcelona. Now we are expanding into the housing market and hotels and we would like to work more in interiors at an international level.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Letter from the President - September 2012

For many the month of August is synonymous with relaxation and recreation, but in AENB we have not ceased to work practically not one single day. For most of the month we have been preparing future meetings of the Council of the Sea of CEOE (The Spanish Confederation of Employers´ Organizations) and the next meetings of the Advisory Council of Palma Boat Show. We have also participated in the board of Maritime Cluster of the Balearic Islands and earlier this month presented a work plan with the deans of the colleges of Naval and Civil Engineers. We have also been in contact with different companies and organizations to prepare our presence in the Barcelona Boat Show.

During these past weeks we have been finalizing the details of a document to be presented shortly by FENIB to the Government, a list that includes proposals to promote the nautical industry in our region, for example a creation of a Working Group of the sector with a purpose to elaborate a plan to improve many aspects of our industry. In short we can offer you more information.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

FENIB, the College of Naval Architects and the College of Civil Engineers sign agreement to promote recreational yachting

The Federation of the Balearic Nautical Enterprises (FENIB), the College of Naval Engineers and the College of Civil Engineers have reached an active collaboration agreement during a meeting yesterday afternoon. Included as apart of that partnership are studies and proposals for improvement for the recreational yachting industry, for example issues of infrastructure, investment, implementation of legislation, promotion, training or R & D & I.

The marine industry in the Balearic Islands is a key sector for our community and it´s optimal development will undoubtedly boost the economy of the archipelago. That's why FENIB and it´s different member associations are working on a set of proposals and actions that will give the recreational yachting the economical and social weight that corresponds to it.

In brief this agreement will be implemented in a working group together with the public sector to achieve the institutional support that such initiatives from private entrepreneurs require in order to prosper.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Interview with the president of AENB, Margarita Dahlberg, in mallorcadiario.com (08/05/2012).

The next Palma Boat Show will take place from 1st to 5th of May 2013 and for the occasion “great changes adapted to our understanding of the business” are going to be presented, assures Margarita Dahlberg, the President of the Balearic Nautical Business Association. 

Dahlberg explained that every year, "the price was higher, the show was not promoted properly and it did not attract enough visitors with purchasing power. Although the model could appear good, the tendency of the show was spiralling down. Already last year it was hard to find enough exhibitors, the entrepreneurs made a great effort and spent a lot of money. There is no return to the same model. 

In fact, this professional of the marine industry foresees "a fairly black" future and points out that ten years ago "we were market leaders, now we are in the position fourteen and probably go down to 20-odd and more. We need space for boat parks on dry land, space for large boats to undertake their repairs and of course we need to adapt the registration tax to make us more competitive with other markets and sectors.“ 

Dahlberg advocates the abolition of registration taxes which means a vessel can end paying up to 12% of their value just by spending three days on the islands, although on several occasions she has been reproached to be helping the rich to pay less: "It is not so simple. To create wealth and jobs we have to be competitive. Right now, the registration tax does not make us competitive with neighboring countries such as France or Italy. They can offer the same as us: magnificent coasts, infrastructure, ports, restaurants ... but there is no registration tax. Therefore, when choosing, if I get the same services, where do I go? " 

Asked whether the government is responsive to the needs and demands of the sector, Mrs Dahlberg said it is not, for one simple reason: "They are not familiar with the sector. It is a modern sector with a special idiosyncrasy, which for years has been gaining a bad reputation by people who have evaded taxes, and still see it as a black hole where it is better not to go. In addition, there are still those absurd arguments "we can not lower a tax on the rich." However, we must recognize that the Balearic Government has understood us, and is helping us, but can realistically do very little as these issues are regulated at the national level. I know that President Bauzá has met with Rajoy and explained the problems, but it is the Ministry of Finance which has to resolve the issue and they are not very open to it."

Regarding tax evasion and black money that moves in the sector, Dahlberg said she has no data for the simple reason that it is all hidden "but in our valuation of the sector we would tell you that people on the wrong side of the law are a minority. The thing is, it happens, but they are very few.” 

And although our community occupies the number first spot in the sector – 60% of the business of recreational yachting is generated in the Mediterranean, and 40% of that in the Balearics – Dahlberg points out that the business passes through the Balearics, it does not stay here. If we could eliminate the obstacles this 40% would stay in the Balearics and we could possibly double the percentage. It would be very interesting if the boats stayed here to carry on their repairs, as approximately the equivalent of 10% of the value of the boats is being spent on repairs annually. We are talking about a lot of money. 

"But," she adds, “it´s more difficult to make a proposal alone, and even more so as we are a community with little national weight. If Catalunya or Andalucia made the same proposals, they probably would be listened to. We're in the best place for sailing, but in the worst when it comes to defending our interests." 

Last year the Association stated that the governing PSIB party (The Socialist Party of the Balearic Islands) belittled the sector, but Dahlberg wants to point out it wasn´t really like this: “the words were taken out of context, it wasn´t even what was said. What we wanted to bring across was that we explained to President Antich what the sector needed, but there was no response. We lost 4 years, although we can´t put all in the same sack – the coalition partners PSM in the Ministry of Trade and Industry helped the sector, as well as UM in Tourism and Ports. But the sector expected that President Antich would take the leadership and personally put a bit more emphasis. That’s what we were hoping.

And as for this season, Dahlberg has recognized that the sector is "far more fortunate than others in this time of crisis" but clarifies that the sector has not been taken into consideration by creating an appropriate framework "and therefore we have both fiscal and legislative gaps that do not permit the sector to move forward. Due to the lack of awareness among the central and regional administrations our industry is not properly regulated. We're not as well off as we could be." 

So, Dahlberg points out, "in the national market, the registrations have fallen by 8%. Since 2006 the trend is downward and the accumulated negative is getting bigger. In the Balearics, being in a strategic position in the Mediterranean, foreign vessels with good purchasing power continue coming. The Germans are now fully recovered, the Swiss and French do not have the same level of crisis as us ... but as the regulation in our sector is so skewed that the boats that really should come - the charter boats of over 15 meters of length – do not come in order to avoid the aforementioned registration tax for a few days of rest. This tax is not required elsewhere." 

Dahlberg believes the sector can help Spain, and the Balearics, to come out of the crisis and points out that the nautical tourism is tourism of "great purchasing power, much more than golf. Nautical tourists have fallen in love with the islands and often repeat visits several times, spending a lot of money and their crew too. If we are to follow this model we have to make things easier for them to come. I leave it on the table." 

About why we do not have dry marinas and boat parks, this entrepreneur says “the topic is not understood and therefore strongly discouraged. You can not have a boat park in the middle of an industrial estate in the center of the island. It is not the right concept. It must be located in a place where you can call and in half an hour have your boat in the water. The dry marina has to be next to the sea. But as the sea side is so protected this is impossible. They could be included in future remodeling projects. The proposed reform of the Playa de Palma has not included any of these marinas, it is a missed opportunity. I try to sow the seeds, but it is difficult." 

With respect to the proposed extension of the Port of Palma, presented a few weeks ago to the Government by a Dutch promoter, Dahlberg believes that anyone can come "and draw on a map whatever they like. And it is true that the port of Palma needs a transformation and modernization in the face of the future, but we do not need anyone from outside to tell us what sort of port we have to have. We have entrepreneurs, naval and marine engineers who can design. We are exemplary in that." 

She also explained that regarding the weight of the sector in the island economy, the data they have access to is very old, from 2000, when 30% of Balearic industrial GDP corresponded to the nautical sector, "at the time the construction was very strong and pulled all the other industries along. Unfortunately we are now going down every year. A decade ago we were leading in the Mediterranean in repair and maintenance, now we have moved to No. 14. We need more space in the port, the boats are bigger now. In Barcelona they are building bigger marinas and as soon as they are ready, the boats will go over there. " 

Finally, Margarita Dahlberg made it clear that The Balearics "has much to say in this area because we have a lot of know-how."

The First Forum of Tourism and Sports will be held at the Palma Arena between 18th and 20th of October.

Speaking of the International Fair of Sport and Tourism meeting is to discuss the professionals of tourism and sport to define the lines of work, strategies and partnerships to streamline and strengthen tourism and sports, innovating to meet the changing demands of the market, joining forces to deliver synergies and a product as complete as possible.

Sports tourism is an area to exploit in our community and is an excellent area to generate resources for both institutions and facilities Sports (natural or created by ourselves) and for the cities hosting a professional team or sports events. Tourism in our region is an important activity because it represents a large percentage of GDP and generates much direct employment. Within this scheme, sports tourism is an area that is still room for improvement. It has two specific areas, the active type and passive type.

A very profitable meet.

The main private sector representatives believe Mallorca should further enhance nautical tourism and high-level races in our region. They all agree that this is a desirable visitor profile for its high purchasing power and its ability to lengthen the tourist season. They also agree that charter sailing (the most common activity in this type of tourism) supports the Balearics and puts behind other destinations such as France or Italy. Hoteliers see pleasure boats capture a strategic sector for quality tourism, The Holy Grail that the different regional governments have sought for decades. 

The manager of the Federation of Mallorca Hotel Companies (FEHM), Inmaculada Benito explains that "tourist satisfaction is made conditional to the experiences you can enjoy in the destination where you decide to spend your vacation." Therefore nautical tourism 'is strategic for the positioning of Mallorca as different non-distilled, transverse and experiential. " 

President's Letter - August 2012

Dear partners,

Recently in the waters of the bay of Palma the Copa del Rey Audi Mapfre Copa del Rey took place. An event not only for sports but also with high social and economic significance. Also recently published was the report of the Recreational Craft Market from January to June.The report, prepared by ANEN, notes that registrations are down 8.7% in the first half of the year nationwide. A report presented at about the same time the Barcelona Boat Show road show, which was in Palma presenting the attractions of this year.

Friday, July 6, 2012

President's Letter - July 2012

Dear partners,

Behind us is a pretty busy June and it is not yet high season. Today, as well as the heat, has not given us respite. This past month much has been happening, news about the moorings on seagrass meadows and the question of whether also charge for anchoring on sand (an outbreak of controversy quickly faded, as the whole sector to be positioned against) . Also this month is marked by the words of the president Bauza at the opening of the conference "The Future of superyachts", who said Madrid would lead to the proposal to eliminate the matriculation tax on charter boats.

It is good to start with what we believe is great news: that the regional president of our community to become engaged in public to fight a tax against which we fought so long. The news appeared on the "Future of the Superyacht VII Conference" in Palma. The president of the Government said about the problems of the marine industry in the Balearic Islands and Madrid announced that it would eliminate the proposed registration tax to charter boats, a tax that leaves us at a disadvantage against other competitors around us having more to offer. To say that this is a clear case of unfairness, and that neither the charter of aircraft or car rental this tax applies. Since we value AENB thus we expect to be treated in the same way and to eliminate this tax as quickly as possible for the sake of the Balearic economy and companies, because we will never tire of saying: this tax deters tourists and we lose much more money than it collects.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Video Portals Nautical Weekend

If you could not go to Portals Nautical Weekeend our friends from Nautical Television Europe show you how it was

Documentary Sea Grass

A short documentary produced by Nautical Television Europe clarifying the law on boat anchoring in coastal waters of Mallorca

President of The Balearics speaks out about mat tax in Spain

For the first time ever, a senior Spanish politician has spoken clearly and directly in English about the importance of abolishing the 12%matriculation tax which uniquely burdens the purchase of all yachts over 8 metres registered under the Spanish flag.

Sr. Jose Ramon Bauza was interviewed by Patricia Bullock for Nautical TV Europe (NTVE) after he delivered the opening address at the 6th annual Future of Superyachts Conference in Palma de Mallorca earlier this week.

Sr. Ramon said that the Partido Popular, Spain's ruling centre right party, were well aware of the damage being caused by this prohibitive tax, both at regional and national level.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bauza seek the abolition of registration tax of charter boats

The Nautical Association of the Balearic Islands (AENB) was present throughout the day in the Future VII of the Superyacht Conference, an event of great importance internationally attended by the elite of the marine industry to discuss and make networking. The conference focuses on legal, financial, tax, construction and design.

The president of the Government, Jose Ramon Bauza, was the first speaker after the presentation of the day. In his speech he announced his intention to seek the abolition of registration tax of charter boats. He does it because "it is necessary fiscal and legislative framework which we equate to other competitive markets such as France or Italy." He has also stated that "it is necessary to modernize and create infrastructure for location, maintenance and repair of mega yachts" to remain at the forefront in terms of services.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Superyacht-focused Spanish tax report calls for legislative changes

An official study and report on the Spanish Matriculation Tax published by Asociacion Española de Grandes Yates (The Spanish Association of Superyachts) has revealed the damaging knock-on effects of Spain’s tax system on its economy, with focus largely on the superyacht sector and its potential for economic growth.

The study and report was commissioned by the Mediterranean Yacht Broker Association (MYBA), Asociación Nacional de Empresas Náuticas (ANEN), Asociación Española de Grandes Yates (AEGY) and the Asociaión de Empresas Náuticas de Balearaes (AENB). 

Spain has a 12% additional tax on the first definitive registration of recreational boats (both new and used) larger than 8m and intended for private use (for charter-registered vessels the length is 15m), and combining the non-deductible registration tax with VAT, the Spanish tax adds 30% to the purchase of any recreational boat (compared to the approximate 20% tax in Italy and France). 

Balearic loses millions because of the tax on large yachts

The Balearic economy is losing each year between 3 and 6 million euros due to the reluctance of the large yachts chartering in the Balearic Islands due to the tax paid, only in Spain, on vessels over 15 meters.

This was stated the by the President of the Nautical Association of the Balearic Islands (AENB), Margarita Dahlberg, on the occasion of the celebration in Palma of the conference "The future of superyachts" which has been opened by the President of the Balearic Islands, José Ramón Bauzá.

Spain is the only country in Europe where charter boats over 15 meters in length which are able to work or are rented to residents are taxed at the special tax on certain means of transport, known as the registration tax (RT). The tax rate is 12% of the value of the yacht.

Friday, June 8, 2012

President's Letter - June 2012

Dear partners, 

Recently the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Planning submitted a draft directive which provides power to limit the areas where boats can anchor near Cabrera. If this goes ahead it will be a blow to the industry that keeps tourists away and other potential users as they are suspicious because of a tax and legal framework which is obsolete. Entrepreneurs are not the only ones who are worried.Recently the prestigious Financial Times criticized the registration tax in Spain. In another vein, a few weeks ago the Advisory Council of the Boat Show met (which we belong to) to begin preparing the edition of 2013. AENB presented a set of proposals necessary to move towards excellence and self-financing. A week ago the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Territory introduced a draft decree that would regulate the moorings on the Balearic Islands in order to preserve the seagrass. These occurrences continue to complicate the administration (even more) the legal framework for pleasure boats. This new measure will only do away with the nautical tourists in our waters and the wealth generated at all levels of our islands. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Astilleros de Mallorca and Club de Mar rewarded for their environmental management

The Confederació d'Associacions Empresarials of Islands (CAEB) has delivered the VI Environmental Awards on Tuesday 5th of June (World Environment Day), in alphabetical order in Astilleros de Mallorca , Estel Engineering and Works, and La Caixa. Finalists also awarded with a diploma in recognition of his work have were Blau Mediterranean, Castillo Hotel Son Vida, Mallorca Club de Mar, Olimar Hotels, Palma Pictures, St. Crispin, and Sol Menorca. The event was attended on behalf of theNautical Association of the Balearic Islands (AENB) its president, Margarita Dahlberg.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

ANADE asks for coordination between the different administrations that manage moorings

The Association of Sport Ports in the Balearic Islands (ANADE) is committed to "enhanced coordination between the various authorities who have expertise in the recreational boating" and reiterates its readiness "to dialogue and advice" in those topics that his opinion "can be of interest to the Government of the Balearic Islands ", in order to avoid controversy as raised by the decree of moorings.

Recreational boating will new need new regulations because of its importance in the tourism sector

The sector of recreational boating and sport has an important bearing on the tourism industry and for this reason Spain will implement a new regulation that simplifies the necessary rescue equipment as well as a more practical tests, as noted by the Director General of Merchant Marine , Rafael Rodriguez Valero.

This amendment will add a rule that will include the technical standards applicable to megayachts in order "that are harmonized with other European countries," added Rodriguez Valero during his speech at a conference organized by the Spanish Maritime Cluster ( CME).

The Director General of Merchant Marine has Spanish Maritime Cluster Breakfast Meeting

"To create wealth and employment, increasing social cohesion, improving the quality of the services we provide and unify criteria among Maritime Authorities" are some of the objectives that the current Director General of Merchant Marine Rafael Rodriguez Valero,has set out on his plan of objectives and today he beat presented them to The Spanish Maritime Cluster partners, at a breakfast. In the presentation, Federico Jaquotot Esteve, president of CME, introducing the activities developed by the Cluster highlighted the efforts of all the Spanish maritime sector is devoting to "promote maritime development through innovation and application of new technologies" .

Speaking during the presentation of the speaker, Frederick Esteve, highlighted the "active role" that the CME is taking place in the Spanish maritime sector both in the aspect of industrial development as the "innovation", noting objectives "to promote technological development, innovation and promoting participatory Spanish maritime industry in Europe. "

The PP has two initiatives to strengthen nautical tourism and cruising in the Balearics

The parliamentary group today approved the Tourism Commission proposals to the Balearic Parliament to encourage and strengthen tourism and cruise ship sailing in the Balearics.

So on the one hand, the popular MP Martí Biel has defended the text, which called for the Balearic Islands Port Authority to enter into agreements with shipping companies to boost cruise activity at the ports of general interest of our islands, especially in Palma de Mallorca.

For his part, Rep. Lourdes Bosch has exposed the contents of the second initiative, which calls for the central government to the National Tourism Plan incorporating the nautical tourism product and that the State meets the special tax on certain Transportation to the requirements given by the EU to exempt the payment of tax on vessels engaged in the rental activity.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Portbooker develops a price management system for advance booking of moorings

Portbooker , the largest booking portal of moorings which has been established for 6 years, with more than 17,000 reservations processed since May 2006, has developed a system of pricing in order to help the ports to take full advantage of the boats moored on the basis of market demand.

Similar to econometric models employing pricing with airlines or hotels, RevPAM (Revenue per Available Mooring), Portbooker set the price of a stay at a marina based on what the client is willing to pay Thus, such criteria means the price is better the more in advance you book for the same length, size and type of boat. The marina which is a more attractive nautical destination will determine the level of expected demand and the price the customer is willing to pay. The season is the main factor in nautical destinations like the Mediterranean or the Caribbean which have great seasonality, but the model also takes into account the greater linearity of prices in countries like USA, Singapore and Thailand.

The Government regulates the moorings on the Balearic Islands

With an eye to preserving the seagrass meadows and even further improve the quality of our waters, the Balearic Government has presented a decree regulating the anchorage in the archipelago. Before you panic, note that any vessel may anchor in sandy bottoms and continue as before. Whilst those vessels over 12 meters cannot moor on seagrass meadows within 35 meters depth. Above this depth there are no restrictions to moor, says the draft decree. The rule does not apply to protected areas such as Site of Community Importance (SCI), or in waters or areas subject to state and regional ports, as they have their own regulations. 

It is worth mentioning that the Department directed by Gabriel Company prepares a plan so you can anchor in the SCI areas, which may only be made in areas of low environmental impact buoys. Thus, there will be installed 358 buoys in ten different areas for boats up to 25 meters in length from 1 June to 30 September. 

The Financial Times speak against the registration tax that only applies in Spain

"Squeeze the rich can be counterproductive," is the title of an article in May 24th edition of the business daily Financial Times showed their displeasure with the Special Tax on Certain Means of Transport and echoed the damage caused by this tax in the Balearics. In its supplement "Yachting & Marinas" it ensures that the charter industry "has been almost destroyed" in Spain because of the tax payable by vessels over 8 meters. The prestigious newspaper cites a recent report by the National Association of Marine (ANEN) to illustrate its claim : in 2011 this special tax raised EUR 1.5 million, while "normally we would earn 600 million through the extra traffic, revenue from marine, shopping in stores, restaurants and other expenses that had been generated by users of charter who were deterred from operating in Spanish waters. "

Vessels over 12 meters may not anchor in the Posidonia

Vessels over 12 meters in length may not anchor on seagrass meadows within 35m of depth, according to the decree law to protect this native algae,says the Balearic Government, which also prepares a plan for protected areas with the installation of 358 mooring buoys .

According to the decree, released today by the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Territory, Biel Company, vessels under 12 meters in length may anchor in any area not protected the Balearic coastline, whilst those above this length will have do so on sand unless the depth is greater than 35 meters, where the sea grass no longer grows because of darkness. Above this depth there are no restrictions to fund, says the draft decree.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The organizing committee of the Palma International Boat Show begins preparing for the 2013 edition

The Director General of Trade and Enterprise chaired the first meeting of this committee since in March when they announced the postponement of the show.

The Director General of Trade and Enterprise, Cesar Pacheco, on Monday chaired the meeting of the organizing committee of the PalmaInternational Boat Show. This is the first meeting of the commission since last March they decided to postpone the celebration of the 29thedition to 2013, due to the insufficient volume of applications for registration amongst entrepreneurs.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Yacht clubs urge the Government to rule out the ' absurdity' of the moorings issue...

The Association of Yacht Clubs of the Balearic Islands (ACNB) has urged the Government to discard the "absurd situation" of the moorings issue and regretted that the Department of Environment has released the basic lines of a decree on funding "without making any consultation with the marine industry. "

Thus, ACNB has asked the Government that "manifest publicly and know their intention not to take it forward, in order to prevent nautical tourists who have planned to spend the season in the Balearics another destination and lessen the conflict in the Mediterranean "because, in their opinion," there is much that is at stake. "

Monday, May 14, 2012

Proposals made during the XI Forum of Nautical Tourism

The XI nautical tourismI Forum organized by the Royal Spanish Navy League, held on April 26, 2012, proposes a strategic policy to be more competitive with other neighboring countries. Below are some of the messages that were released:

- As Spain neglected nautical tourism, emerging in the industry are Croatia and Turkey and France, Italy and Greece boost its policies to keep tourists, said several experts in the Nautical Tourism XI Forum

- Spain is a predominantly coastal, "the competent authorities can help to realize the potential of nautical tourism to generate employment and wealth," said Juan Diaz, vice president of the Royal Spanish Navy League (RLNE), institution that wishes to be heard to current problems
- The high taxation and the lack of a strong strategic and international policy discourage foreign tourists from our water. Nautical tourism is "the forgotten" Spanish tourism, says Zunzunegui Albert, vice president of FENAN.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Barcelona Boat Show will be held from the 26th to 30th of September

The Port Vell will become the single location of the next editions of the Barcelona International Boat Show. A new model that seeks to facilitate the visit of buyers and fans and boost the sector. A decision agreed between Fira Barcelona and the National AssociationNautical Anen.

According to the study by a commission composed of representatives of Fira Barcelona, ​​the Organizing Committee of the show and Anen, the celebration of living in the Port Vell only for five days is the best option at the moment, as so complex is the Spanish nautical sector.To attract more buyers with the need to adjust the cost of participation for exhibitors.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The time for change

Coinciding with the press release most of the organizations that are sub-groupedin recreational boating, led by the National AssociationNautical ANEN, Madrid organized a press conference where they presented the report "economic impact of recreational boating in Spainand proposals for growth '.

We are convinced that ANEN, MYBA (Mediterranean Yacht Broker Association), AEGY (Spanish Association of Major Yates), AENB(Nautical Association of Balearic Islands) ... have had in mind the role that the Barcelona International Boat Show has and could have theactivating agent of Spanish pleasure boats, and that part of its activities will focus in the coming months, extending this CHANGE that is needed to the organizer of this event. Modification of dates, location, rates ... are issues of concern, and much, to the exhibitors.

Anchoring in the Balearics

Balearic sailors knew that sooner or later they were going to pay for the mooring buoys installed in areas called SCI (Sites of Community Interest) under the pretext of protecting the seagrass. What they did not expect is that Government of the Balearic Islands, which says it is committed to the marine industry and willing to boost sailing tourism would create more restrictive regulations.

The director general of the Environment and Environmental Education, Neus Lliteras, revealed last April 28th in the specialized program via esRadio and Gazetta Nautica that boats over 12 meters (the vast majority of those performing charter in our islands) may not anchor within 35 meters of depth in areas susceptible to sea grass. He noted that vessels up to 40 feet can freely anchor on seagrass meadows in places that have no special regulation (natural parks and LIC), and that the funding will not have any restriction on sand.

The Barcelona Boat Show rolls back into Port Vell

The Barcelona International Boat Show takes leave of the palace grounds in Fira de Barcelona. The event will be held this year only in the Port Vell of Barcelona, ​​where there will be a combined floating and dry exhibition space . Theshow is also 4 days less in duration and advancing their dates to September.

The economic crisis takes its tollon the Boat Show, which last year celebrated its 50th anniversary.The show led by Luis Conde has decided to reduce its structure to adapt "to the new needs of exhibitors and visitors in a difficult economic and sector."

Tourism entrepreneurs meet with Secretary of State for Tourism

40 Balearic tourism entrepreneurs (including the president of Association of the Balearic Nautical -AENB-Margaret Dahlberg) met on May the 8th with Secretary of State for Tourism, Elizabeth Borrego, who informed them about the actions carried out from her department to help the industry. The meeting, held on the premises of the CAEB, also served to discuss the work carried out between the various ministries to enhance tourism and assured the attendees that are open to dialogue with all parties involved and listening to all your suggestions.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Platform for the marine industry

A total of 37 companies and 61 nautical ports and marinas of the Balearic Islands are part of the platform NauticalEurope (www.nauticaleurope.com), a web of cooperation presented yesterday in Palma and encompassing nautical supply the Mediterranean islands to boost the sector. The platform brings together a total of 423 companies and 414 ports and marinas of the Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Corsica, Greek Islands, Crete and Sicily.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Morente Francisco: "The marine industry is holding times of crisis with enough dignity '

The president of the Nautical Association of PIMEEF has been present in all talks being held yesterday in Santa Eulalia. Although we evaluated the option of not celebrating it, Morente said they could not miss the appointment with the public this year that marks two decades since it began operating the event. "We think it was worth making the effort to join"

SOURCE: JOURNAL OF IBIZA, 29 APRIL 2012, supplement Boat Show

Paco Murillo - Eivissa
Morente Francisco, president of the Nautical Association of the Company Petita i Mitjana Ibiza and Formentera, facing forward to the celebration of the twentieth Boat Show in Santa Eulalia, where industry representatives of recreational boating in the Balearic Islands show their products before the start of the summer season. The economic crisis also affects sales of boats, but employers Pitiusan are "optimistic" for the future.