Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Parliament rules on the draft modification of the Law of the Balearic Ports

The Parliament ruled today, during the celebration of the Tourism Commission, on the draft of the modification of the Law of the Balearic Ports. 

The text, according to the coordinator of the presentation, the Member of Parliament from the Popular Party, Carlos Veramendi "has been agreed upon with the nautical and maritime sector of our community" and "will contribute to the development of the nautical industry and provide solutions to various current problems".

On the other hand, Mr Veramendi commented that since the approval of the Law in 2005, "the circumstances have changed to call for a modification", such as the adaptation to the Statute of Autonomy or the need for an organizational restructuring in the ports in order to apply criteria for austerity, to avoid duplicities or to reduce the number of senior positions.

When it comes to the participation of the involved sectors, Veramendi pointed out that "they have been able to express their concerns and to propose improvements to the Draft of Law". As a result, Veramendi quoted the representatives of the sector themselves, who have expressed their "satisfaction" with the modification, and stated that "the solutions proposed in the law will make the management of the ports easier in the current economical climate".

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Memorandum over the sea related business sectors in Spain

With the approval by the Board of CEOE on the 11th of June 2014, conclude the review work of the "Memorandum: the business sectors related to the sea in Spain", carried out by the Council of the Sea of CEOE as a part of the process of updating the first edition of this document, published in 2012. The Nautical Trade Association of the Balearic Islands (AENIB) has collaborated in the planning and drafting of the project.

The report evaluates the activities of the sectors subject to analysis, among which are the maritime transport, the ports and port services, fishing, fish farming, and the industries related to production and marketing of seafood and other products of the sea. It also analyses the novelties of the recent years that have affected  the above mentioned sectors in legal, economic and social aspects.

On the other hand, the reach of the study has been extended to include the sub-sectors of recreational yachting and diving.

The document follows the pattern of the first edition and analyses aspects like the economical and social dimensions of the sectors (employment, invoicing, market, etc.), the evolution over the recent years and development potential, the national and international regulation of each of the sectors, the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities (SWOT-analysis) of each of the sectors, as well as priorities and proposals to improve competitiveness. 

Download the PDF in spanish

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Entrevistas XXXI Palma Boat Show - Asociados AENIB

Comercial Morey S.A.

Comercial Morey, empresa gestada en la década de los 60 por Juan Morey, está dirigida por su hijo Gregori Morey. En sus inicios se estableció en el centro de Palma, pero debido al crecimientos de las embarcaciones se trasladó al polígono de Marratxí, a unas instalaciones de 3.500 metros. 

Es una empresa asidua a la feria náutica, aunque su director reconoce que “no necesitamos el salón, hace 40 años que la gente nos conoce”, sin embargo, “es una especie de pistoletazo de salida de la temporada náutica y la gente tiene la consciencia de que se ha de poner las pilas y mirar barcas”, sopesa Morey, que resalta la ubicación del encuentro, en el Moll Vell. Entre sus objetivos comenta que busca “consolidar ventas y mostrar novedades” a los clientes. No obstante, considera que los competidores “están demasiado encima. Quien tiene los mismos metros cuadrados de exposición que tú está en idénticas condiciones. 

A veces vienen empresas que muestran todo lo que son en los expositores y, en cambio, hay otras que detrás de lo que exhiben hay historia, instalaciones, profesionalidad, mecánicos, servicios…”, reflexiona. Entre las anécdotas, a modo histórico, Gregori Morey rememora que ha habido compañías que “han venido a romper precios y han vendido, pero pasan 2 o 3 años y se van. Dieron el pego en la feria, donde parecía que se iban a comer el mundo, pero no ha habido continuidad”.

Servinautic Palma S.L.

30 años al servicio de los clientes avalan a Servinautic, constituida en el año 1983, ofrece suministro, instalación, mantenimiento y reparación de equipos de electrónica a bordo. Toni Julià, responsable del negocio, recuerda que hace unos años “dejamos de asistir al salón dada la poca afluencia y el poco mercado que había. No estábamos de acuerdo con los horarios y días establecidos”. 

Con el cambio de formato, el año anterior, se animó a regresar. “Nos gusta esta versión ya que algunas empresas locales no disponemos de un equipo comercial para atender en la tienda y en la feria. Con el jueves que cae en fiesta, por ejemplo este año perdemos únicamente 2 días de oficina que son fácilmente recuperables”, relata Julià, que acude con la idea de “representar las marcas que distribuimos y, lógicamente, darnos a conocer entre los nuevos clientes. El propietario de la empresa califica el formato pasado, de 11 días, como “una ruina y caótico”. 

Balearics at the top in the recreational yacht market

By regions Balearic Islands are ranked at the top in the recreational yacht market, with the largest market share (11,35%) at the national level, according to the information released by the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy, and analyzed by the Spanish Nautical Trade Association (ANEN).

In the second position after the Balearics come Barcelona, with a market share of 9,18%, in the third place Cádiz with 9,08%.

At the national level, a total of 1.057 vessel have been registered in Spain during during the first four months of the year, indicating a growth by 11,85% compared to the same period last year, when 945 vessels were registered.

In April, 397 recreational vessels were matriculated, 23,68% more than April 2013, when 321 vessels were registered. This is the most positive growth figure since the middle of 2008.

In October 2013, the registrations of this type of boats  grew by 16%, the first growth since the start of the crisis. This tendency is strengthening, which points out to a consolidation of this market during 2014.
The charter market has recovered by 108% during the first four months of the year, with 71 vessels registered (including jet skis) compared to the same period in 2013, when 34 charter vessels were registered for charter. In April, 29 recreational charter vessels were registered, which is 70,59% more than in April 2013.


By length, the registration of vessels between eight and twelve meters grew by 21,13% from January to April, with 8 registrations. Those between 12 and 16 meters increased by 40,91%, and the lengths up to 8 meters - the most popular with a market share of 88,17% - grew by 10% until April. The registrations for  lengths above 16 meters grew by 60% during the first four months of the year.

When it comes to the type of the boat, the registrations of jet skis increase by +56,58%, followed  by the semirigid inflatables (+32,88%), sailing yachts (+19,18%) and motor yachts (19,18%). Only the inflatable tenders experienced a drop (-4,14%).

Read the complete article in La Información

Letter from the president - June 2014

Now that a month has passed since the Palma Boat Show finished, it is a good moment to make a more profound evaluation. Generally, we are very satisfied with the whole event. During the days of the show the nautical sector and our companies were in the center stage, and both the general and specialized media were attentively following the event. 

The month of May has been very busy all around. While in the topic of the show, a few days ago we participated in the first meeting of the Organizing Committee since the show to start organizing next year´s event. Some weeks ago we assisted in an event  with various members of the local government and high officials of the Popular Party, where we requested work to be started on an equal VAT rate on nautical charters in Spain as in the rest of Europe. Shortly after that, the Strategic Working Group for Nautical Tourism congregated again with some positive results, which we will explain in more detail further down in this newsletter.

We can say with total conviction that the current course of Palma Boat Show is the correct one. In only two editions it has managed to recover all the splendour it had lost over the years and this is a result of the power given to the private sector to decide how the show should look like. We will never tire of reclaiming the central role of AENIB in this success, as it is based on the project presented by our association within the frame work of the Organizing Committee, a project constructed on the suggestions of our associates. This achievement has brought back the glory that the show rightfully deserves. Despite that the Organizing Committee was not given the same weight as in the previous edition, the local government has maintained the chosen path, which has resulted in one of the most successful editions in memory.

There were more exhibitors and professionals than in previous years, as well as visitors. The fact that the building work on the Moll Vell was finalized in time contributed to a more attractive and glamorous look for the whole show. The views from the lookout terrace over the show were of singular beauty, specially at the sunset.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ports and marinas are satisfied with the processing of the new Law of Balearic Ports

The Association of Marinas and Nautical Installations of the Balearic Islands (ANADE) is confident that the Parliament will approve the modification of the Law of the Balearic Ports according to the draft proposed by the local government and processing of which has been started.The Balearic marinas believe that the new text will contribute to the development of the recreational yachting and "will provide a solution to problems like abandoned vessels, delays in payments and paradoxical penalization of investment and maintenance of installations", the association explained in a statement."For the first time, the administration has consulted the private sector which has been able to explain their main concerns and propose improvements to the law, which has lead to the necessary consensus required of a normative so important for the economy of the islands" the association pointed out, emphasizing at the same time their willingness to negotiate with the responsible politicians from Ports IB, which exercises jurisdiction over the region´s ports."The proposed solutions in the Law for abandoned vessels and delayed payments will help the management of the marinas a lot in these difficult times, as well as the adaptation of the text to the normative of the State Ports regarding the duration of the concessions, which will extend from 30 to 35 years, including those which had already adapted  to the Balearic law of 2005", explained the manager of ANADE, Carlos Gelabert.Read the complete article in Europa Press

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the UIB collaborate in risk prevention in the boat maintenance sector

The Regional Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Joaquin Garcia, and the rector of the University of the Balearic Islands, Llorenç Huguet, sign an agreement of collaboration in matters of health and safety at work, focused on hygienic risks in the boat maintenance sector.The agreement will include a joint study to analyze the hygienic risks in the Balearic companies dedicated to maintenance, painting and preparation of surfaces on boats, one of the internationally most representatives sectors of the industrial network in the islands.

Minister Garcia emphasized the collaboration between the public and private sectors and added that "with this agreement, our region will be a pioneer by developing a reference guide according to which the sector can develop its risk prevention".

It will be an innovative study, in which the Professorship of Labour Safety of the UIB and the department of Industrial Hygiene at the Directorate General of Health and Safety at Work collaborate by analyzing the working conditions of the above mentioned sectors from the industrial hygiene point of view: exposure to chemical contaminants arising from the use of paints, varnishes, biocides, primers, and physical contaminants like noise and vibrations.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The reform of the nautical qualifications continues the process towards publication

The process of the reform of the nautical qualifications, undertaken by the Spanish nautical Trade Association (ANEN) and addressing a demand of the sector to update our nautical qualifications and to improve our competitiveness continues ahead, according to the general secretary of Transport, Carmen Librero Pintado, who together with her technical team and the Director general of the Merchant Navy, Rafael Rodríguez Valero, met last week with the president Jesus Astondoa and the general secretary, Carlos Sanlorenzo, of ANEN.

During the meeting, the representatives of the Administration informed the responsible of ANEN that the reform continues its legislative process as a Royal Decree, not a Ministerial Order as originally planned, to enter into force within a shorter timeframe after compliance of the relevant technical requirements.This change of normative status doesn´t mean any impediment for the reform to go ahead and the final text stays as presented in the II Nautical Congress, according to the information from ANEN.

Complete article in Naucher Global.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The successful Palma Boat Show holds on to the new version

The 31st edition of the Palma Boat Show which took place from 30th of April to 4th of May on the premises of Moll Vell, attracted 32.000 visitors to the stands of 158 exhibitors and a largest concentration of brokers in the Mediterranean. With an increase of the stands by 20,8% and 75% of moorings compared to the previous edition, the president of the Nautical Trade Association of the Balearic Islands (AENIB), Margarita Dahlberg, made an assessment of the event as "positive, with lots of visitors. The majority of the exhibitors are content, it was very advantageous". In other words, the event has become a reference within the recreational nautical market. In only two years, the show has re-established itself.

This new version, to a great degree based on the project  presented last year by AENIB through the Organizing Committee, evidenced that "there is excitement and hope for the future" according to the president, who explained that when you organize an event like this "you are pretty sure it is going to be successful". Dahlberg wanted to emphasize the remarkable effort by the associates to make the Boat Show beneficial for the sector. This commitment can be seen in the increase of the participation of the AENIB members, from 11 to 21, compared to last year, and in the loyalty of companies like Ferdinautic, Enaval or Nova Náutica.