Monday, December 8, 2014

Letter from the President - December 2014

The end of the year is looming, but we are still hard at work. As you can see in the agenda, November was fully booked with meetings at all levels, for example the presentation to PSIB-PSOE of our proposal  to boost the nautical sector (the same we presented to PP last month). This past month we have also seen how some important initiatives of ANEN on a national level have started to materialize, like the creation of a job exchange for our sector, and specially the progress with the Collective Agreement for the Nautical Sector. On the other hand, the increased fiscal pressure on our sector is on the headlines again. The local government has created new taxes and modified some old ones that affect both the nautical businesses and the users.

A few weeks ago we could read in El Mundo an article that illustrates the increasing fiscal pressure on the nautical sector. According to the article, the local government lead by Bauzá will create new taxes and modify some old ones that will have an effect on both our companies and the end users. To give an example: the tax on the general registration services for users of moorings in ports and marinas. With these measures the Administration is hoping to collect 92.000 € more than this year, a ridiculous amount compared to what they could collect if they centered they efforts in boosting the recreational yachting. We believe it is very counterproductive to hamper the activity in a sector as important as ours with these new taxes. If they were really interested in collecting more money, they should implement measures that favor the growth of the sector rather than the opposite.

We never wear out of praising the work done by ANEN, which have not slowed down since the Barcelona Boat Show. On one hand they have started the new job exchange – Nautical Jobs – for the companies in the nautical sector. Further down, in the section of the news, you will find more information about it. We believe it is a great initiative by ANEN and we encourage everybody to take part. On the other hand -  still on the issue om employment - some weeks ago ANEN called the most important trade unions to a meeting to discuss the future Collective Agreement for the Nautical Sector. The meeting, when it takes place, will be useful to outline the meeting strategy and to specify different proposals. It is worth remembering that the preliminary report (which is planned to be the backbone of the new agreement) was produced on the basis of a survey directed to the associates of ANEN, including the members of AENIB.

At AENIB we carry on with the pre-election meetings with the different political parties in the Balearic Islands. In October we had a meeting with PP, and in the beginning of November we did the same with PSIB-PSOE. We want to make our proposals for strengthening the nautical sector as widespread as possible. We handed over to the parties a detailed report that backs up our conclusions and which we ask them to include in their election programmes. They are serious and realistic measures, for example carrying out a Strategic Plan for the Nautical Sector and increasing the representation of the sector in the different administrative institutions. We also believe it is necessary to progress with the fiscal and administrative harmonization between the different regions and with our neighboring countries and, needless to say, put more effort into international marketing of the Balearic Islands as a nautical destination. These are among our proposals, which we will communicate also to the other parliamentary groups  in the coming months. We believe raising awareness is of great importance, and we are in the position to give first hand information about the day-to-day reality of the sector and the obstacles that prohibit us from being competitive and generating more wellbeing.

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