International promotion, quality training and adequacy to the regulations of the sector's reality. For many years, these have been some of the most important complaints that our association has fought for, and little by little, our hard work is bearing its fruits. Thanks to the understanding between our sector and the public administrations in the last years, we're doing plenty of important improvements for the yacht sector in the Balearic Islands and Spain, working together with ANEN.
Soon, the new Balearic decree of nautical charter will enter into force. It is a project in which we have also invested a huge amount of effort and resources to provide this sector with appropriate regulations to its reality and needs. In this project, the ANEN has helped us considerably, and we have achieved the regulation of this business completely in one single legal text, because in the previous regulations there were different legal texts. In this same newsletter, you will find a link to the news to the ANEN web. There, you will find an article written by Miguel Ángel Serra, who gives a thoroughly detail of the changes that this new legislation introduces. To sum up, it is kept the possibility to rent vessels and recreational registered boats that do not belong to the EU or are signatories of the Agreement regarding the European Economic Space in the same terms than the ones established in the previous regulation. Moreover, the Balearics register of lessors, boats and recreational boats is created. This register is public, autonomic has an administrative nature. In it, the companies that have made the responsible statement and the boats and declared vessels, will be documented. This register is aimed to control the illegal charter that happens mainly in the sector of small boats.
In AENIB, we've also used many resources and efforts to try to implement a quality vocational training in our educational system, to respond to the demand of qualified professionals that we have, and at the same time allow our youngsters to work in a sector that is constantly expanding. Once again, I would like to value the willingness of the SOIB technicians and also to the Government in general when working with us. A few weeks ago, the president Armengol presented the first result of all this work: Vocational Training for the Nautical Occupation, a dual-method course, programmed in 480 hours and focused on teaching related to supporting auxiliary activities for ships in port, maintenance of electrical services, equipment of sport and leisure boats in specific English, among other aspects. We still continue working with the SOIB in more training lines, such as leisure boats maintenance (painting, cleaning and repair) and the electricity and digital area centered on boats, which will also be developed in the dual-method training.
Another important announcement of the month is the agreement reached by the different administrations to promote our sector. From our associations we're very satisfied that the right steps are being made in order to strengthen the yacht sector. It is true that this is a big step, but it shouldn't be the last one. There is the need to write a promotion plan oriented at a long-term. And this plan has to predict different strategies for the sub-sectors that belong to recreational boats in the Balearics. There is an endless number of targets: charter, repair for the size of the different lengths. If we want the promotion to be efficient, we need to differentiate them and communicate them appropriately because our islands are one of the best destinies to practice the art of navigation. Furthermore, from our point of view, it is very important to make more powerful the Palma Boat Show to keep advancing and turn it in an essential date in the calendar of European boat shows.
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