During the last month, the association has focused on nautical vocational studies. It is an extremely important project for our companies and for the same future of our sector. We have had different meetings, as well as significant advances that will be said in this letter. Here, we will also comment on the pollution topic that the Emaya emissaries distributed in the whole island dump everyday to the sea. This problem affects us all seriously, but especially to those who live from the sea.
Nautical Vocational Studies are an important subject strategy for our sector; and, for this reason, they are also significant for our association. As you may know, we've been several years working at an autonomous and national level with the support of the ANEN, and we are trying to achieve two main goals: the possibility that our joungsters can access a quality training that makes them capable of working repairing and maintaining boats. On the other hand, we are also trying that our workers can validate their professional experience with formal qualification. From AENIB we believe that all the resources we are investing in this project will be useful to pontentiate the excellence of our sector, improve even more the reputation of our islands as a destiny, and also help the new generations to find employment possibilities in our sector.
In this sense, at the beginning of the month we met with the secretary of State of Education, Marcial Marín who explained us that on the 18th of May, the level 2 of middle-level vocational sudies in Marine Repair Technician would be approved in the Superior Council of Vocational Training. Besides, we are working together with technicians from the SOIB to develop the occupational nautical training in dual format. This type of format has been very successful in the surrounding countries that have adopted it, but in Spain it is still very recent. In the next news bulletins, we will provide you with more information regarding this topic, as soon as more advances are produced.
Furthermore, last week we met with the director of the National Institute of Qualifications (ICP), Joan Antoni Sancho, who told us about the official announcement of accreditation of professional skills of various qualifications. This is a procedure to credit competency units without having studied an Occupational Aptitude Certificate or a vocational study. The professional skills are certified through documentation and some specific actions with experts on the corresponding matter. You will find further information in the section of brief news.
I would like to insist on the topic regarding training, because thanks to our effort, the Balearics are the first community where this process is being done. This responsibility should also be shared with labor unions. This is why we met with the responsibles of Comisiones Obreras to request their collaboration in the part that concerns them.
Another particularly worrying topic is the welfare of our area of the Mediterranean. Maybe for those who are not familiarized with recreational boats, will be surprised that sailors and businessmen are the first ones in enjoying the beauty of our marine environment. This is the reason why we get upset when mooring wants to be criminalized to protect the meadows of Posidonia, while the submarine emissaries drop every day thousands of cubic meters of gray water to a few hundred meters of our coasts. Thanks to the videos that the Gaceta Náutica has received recently, there is more visibility about this serious problem. From AENIB, we request that the necessary resources shall be assigned to EMAYA to deal correctly with sewage and, this way, stop poisoning our coast. The whole future of our community is at stake.
Finally, I would like to congratulate D. Antonio Fontanet because he received the award of the Enterpreneur of the year last 5th of May from CAEB. I had the pleasure to attend to the award ceremony, and I consider the decision of the jury very accurate, so that he is a key figure in the bussiness sector of our islands.
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