The director of Ports and Airports, Antoni Deudero, has authorized the installation of a floating pontoon in the marina Santa Eulália del Río in Ibiza. By signing the resolution, Ports IB gives permission to the firm Merlin S.A to install the floating pontoon of 48 m, including a 3 m passerelle, as well as to operate the 576 square meters of mooring space, located at the end of the dock and sheltered by the surrounding breakwater.
The pontoon has space for 12 moorings of 12 m by 4 m. The total area occupied by the pontoon is 124,50 square meters. The temporary occupation and operation covers partially the increased demand for moorings in high season and fits in with the guidelines of Ports IB to use to the máximum such areas that can increase the amount of moorings without the need for great construction work for protection.
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