The project of modification of the Law of Ports of the Balearic Islands will allow the local government to have an updated register of the more than 14.000 berths of public ownership in the Balearics.
This "tool" should be ready for use by the summer and will make it possible to find out the name of the owners of berths in the 41 ports controlled by Ports IB (Ports de les Illes Baleares); 32 in Mallorca, 6 in Menorca and 3 in Ibiza.
As a way to activate the register, a "symbolic" administrative fee to control the transmission of berths is being planned. "The objective of the fee is to finance the start of the register, as well as to bring the market of the berth transmissions to the surface. The exact amount of the fee can be quantified in the Law of Public Tariffs, and will in any case be minor", indicated the Minister of Tourism, Jaime Martinez.
Martinez gave a press conference together with the director general of the Ports and Airports, Antonio Deudero, to explain the details of the project of law, which bestows on every port the responsibility of shaping the Plans of Use and Management. This way, it will have to be the concession holders that present these plans, not the Administration, as clarified by Deudero.
The minister pointed out at the same time that the modification introduces a new version of the General Plan of the Ports, which will allow a more controlled and sustainable planning, as well as modifies the processing of concessions of new ports and substantial extensions, amongst other actions.
This Draft of Law, approved recently in the local Government, establishes that the regional public administration is the organ in charge of promoting a balanced model for the port infrastructures in the Balearics.
As Martinez explained, the modification will be adapted to the Autonomic Statutes of 2007, as the current Law of Ports (2005) is of earlier date.
Regarding the Statutes, Deudero affirmed that the Article 23 of the Statutes establishes that the public administration should exercise their power "with the preservation of environment in mind and as a guarantor of territorial equality and balance, making sure these principles prevail".
"We understand this criteria is fully applicable to port issues as well", added the Minister of Tourism.
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