Monday, March 10, 2014

Letter from the president - March 2014

Few days ago we celebrated the 29th Annual General Meeting and the VII Edition of the Nautical Awards, during which the trajectory and fidelity of various associates was recognized, as well as the great support we have been receiving from CAEB since decades. It was a very special event that highlighted the strength of our sector.

As I said during the gala, it was a great pleasure for us to see that, despite everything, we are able to stay united and fight  for our future together. I was deeply  satisfied  see so many familiar faces again this year All of you, great entrepreneurs, who stoically face the hardships of the economic crisis and keep a steely resolve to carry on forward with your business day after day, fighting against the tide.

Only because of our unity and by investing human and economic resources have we been able to make our voice heard amongst those authorities with the necessary power to change things: local government, central government and even the European Commission. Our voice has been heard and taken into account in the political circles. And thanks to our presence at the most important boat shows of Europe, we have managed to put  Balearics back on the map of nautical tourism.

We have worked side by side with our colleagues at ANEN, preparing numerous reports and meticulous studies in order to convince the decision makers of how beneficial it is to have a strong nautical sector with a great potential for growth. A proof of our success is to have achieved the exemption of the matriculation tax on charter yachts, something we have fought for many years. 

The same with the reform of the Law of Navigation, which will recognize recreational yachting as a separate activity for the first time in the history of our country. On a short term we are pending on the reform of the nautical qualifications and their adaptation to the current reality, a necessity that can not wait any longer.

However, we can not get carried away with euphoria, and even less when there is still so much to do. We are doing a lot of work to set the bases on which to construct a new legal, fiscal and administrative framework that will allow us to compete in equal conditions with our neighbours.  It is important to adopt new measures in order to encourage the activity in the nautical sector. Measures like the exemption the matriculation tax on private yachts, simplification to the maximum of all the bureaucratic processes that we suffer from, adoption of fiscal policies that are in harmony with the rest of Europe and putting in place more support for the entrepreneurs… The final objective is no other than to be able to compete in equal conditions with our neighbours. If the desire really is to create wellbeing, prosperity and employment in our country, this is the correct path to follow. To achieve that, the public administrations and the private business sector need to collaborate with each other.

A great example of this team work is the Palma Boat Show. Remember that only a few years ago it was a show without a future. Now it is just about to hang up the sign of “fully booked”. All of this is possible thanks to the real power given to AENIB and other associations in the capacity of members of the Organizing Committee of the show. We, the nautical entrepreneurs, have made the Palma Boat Show an exciting and promising project, capable of attracting both exhibitors and professionals, as well as clients and the general public.

Before going on I would like to make clear that AENIB is a non-political entity. Having said that, we appreciate the commitment the current government shows to our sector. The team of President Bauzá has supported our demands in Madrid, and this has enormously sped up the measures I mentioned earlier. I would also like to give a special mention to the representative of the Partido Popular Rosa Estarás in Europe, who from her seat at the European Parliament managed to get the European Commission to question the  Spanish matriculation tax. And of course we would like to express our gratitude  to Mr Rogelio Araújo for his support to us at the Congress. And let´s not forget about the representatives of other political parties that back us up in our efforts to generate  employment and wellbeing.

But despite getting more supporters we continue to suffer from arbitrary measures by the Administration, like the doubling of the so called lighthouse tax as well as the possible oil prospecting planned by the central government. We urge all the political authorities that were with us at the Assembly on the 20th  to make a maximum effort to get Madrid to understand the significance of our sector and to rectify before the damage is irreparable. We have the environment as well as technical and human resources to be a leading destination. It is important to study the issues thoroughly before making laws or issuing taxes to see what their impact will be.

We are an association deeply involved with society and function thanks to the collaboration of all the members of our team and many other people and entities. The Gala and the Assembly of AENIB were possible  thanks to a coordinated effort of the people involved in the association  and the sector. Therefore we would like to express our gratitude to the School of Tourism Felipe Moreno and our sponsors Generali  and Lloyds for their collaboration. And above all give our heartfelt thanks to Tania, Aila, Carles, Brenda and Xisca on behalf of all of us, not forgetting you – our associates. Thank you for being part of AENIB and for contributing to change things for the better.

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