Thursday, February 6, 2014

Letter from the president - February 2014

Within short, we´ll celebrate one of the association´s most expected events: the Annual General Meeting. We are working very hard to make it a very special evening where we can catch up with all of you in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Otherwise, this past month has been quite agitated. We´ll analyze the most important news in continuation.

We are fast approaching the Annual General Meeting of the association. We have been working painstakingly and with enthusiasm for some time already to make it a magnificent event. Internally it is an occasion of great importance, therefore we hope to be able to count on your participation. During the Assembly we´ll explain to you all the actions that we have carried out throughout the year, as you – the nautical entrepreneurs, are the real motor of all our achievements, which have not been few. We will also give details of the future actions, which have been planned with one thing in mind: to help the nautical sector of the Balearic Islands to continue prospering. And we will of course pay tribute to those companies and entities that have been prominent either by their trajectory or by their commitment to the nautical sector. In the next few days we´ll send you all the information regarding the Assembly, and hope that you will get as inspired as we are!

Few days ago we were stunned to receive the news about a llaüt that was burned on a bonfire in Manacor during the celebrations of Sant Antoni. A deplorable act that shows once again how poorly the Balearic maritime heritage is known. Our community needs a maritime museum in Mallorca to safeguard this important part of our history and to show it to the society. The sea is part of our identity, but it seems like the majority is living with their back turned to it. In our opinion this can not continue. As we explained, together with the principal organizations of the sector in a statement publicized by the local media, our community can not continue a moment longer without an institution that looks after the protection, conservation and diffusion of the culture of the sea.

We received recently the recreational yacht market report, which is regularly published by ANEN based on official data. The report shows a continued negative tendency, although there is also a positive piece of information for the Balearic Islands: we are in the first place on the national ranking with a market share of 12,35% of the total, ahead of Madrid and Barcelona. In AENIB we believe that this downward tendency in registration numbers will turn for the better when the law changes and new fiscal regulations come into force. We believe that the modernization of the law of navigation, the simplification of the nautical qualifications and the exemption of the matriculation tax on charter yachts will be the pillars that will support the recovery of the nautical sector. It is worth remembering that our association has actively participated in these achievements, either under own flag or through ANEN.

Even so, these improvements that can lead the way to a rapid recovery, should be implemented without a delay. For this reason we, together with our colleagues in ANAVRE, AEGY, CME, ANEN and other associations, signed a manifest urging the Administration to implement the reform of the nautical qualifications. This delay by the Government can be very detrimental to the economy, as people put decisions about boat sales and charter on hold until further news. We hope that the reform will be carried out as soon as possible.

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