The new recreational yachting legislation will allow navigation without any kind of formal qualification in daytime on boats up to 4 m of length, as long as they don´t sail further than 5 miles from a safe port or anchorage, pending on the approval of the Ministerial Order remitted this Wednesday to all sides of the industry.
This is the first of the nine modifications presented in the proposal, taking into account the majority of the measures recommended by the National Association of the Nautical Enterprises (ANEN) and agreed with the Administration.
However, this organism will submit the proposal for a study in order to add some improvements "to help the normative to be a motor of reactivation for the nautical sector".
With this new legislative update, motor boats with a maximum power of 11,03 KW (15CV) and up to 4 m of length, or 5 m in question of sailing boats, can navigate further than the areas delimited by the harbour authority, as has been the case so far.
From now on, and as soon as the Direction General of the Merchant navy (DGMM) has dealt with any possible allegations, the legislative process continues its course until entry into force.
For the general secretary of ANEN, Carlos Sanlorenzo, updating the nautical qualifications has been "a pending issue since the constitution of the Association".
According to Sanlorenzo, the update will bring us closer to the european legislation in this area of the nautical sector, where Spain has been light years behind others and which has been a contributing factor to the slowing down of the progress of the sector.
Along these lines, the director general of the Merchant Navy, Rafael Rodríguez Valero, considers it a necessary measure for the further development of the nautical sector and for the improvement in other sectors, like the tourism "to which it is so closely linked".
More power for the owners and captains
The extension of attributions and the boat length to navigate with qualifications like the basic skipper´s license, recreational yacht skipper, yacht master and the speeding up the administrative proceedings, are in general lines some of the news introduced by the Ministerial Order.
The future norm establishes also the new requirements for the sea schools, as well as for motor boating and sailing federations for examination and issuing a skipper´s license for basic navigation as well as Navigation Certificate.
To the same extent, anybody who is in charge of a recreational vessel, registered in other countries and navigating in spanish waters, should possess a corresponding license.
This specific modification intends to fill an existing legal void around vessels previously registered in Spain which opted to register in other neighboring countries, specially in Belgium.
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