During these months the workload for the Association is considerable. Apart from the regular workshops we assist on we have now joined two new ones: the Sea Council of the CEOE (The Spanish Confederation of Employer´s Organizations) and the Working Group of the Nautical Sector of the Balearic Islands. We are also preparing for next year´s elections to choose the new board of directors for the AENB.
ANEN recently unveiled the Market Report of Registrations, which states that the Balearic Islands remain one of the provinces with the largest market share of pleasure boats with levels similar to last year´s.
A few days ago the National Association of Nautical Enterprises (ANEN) published the Market Report for Recreational Craft from January to September 2012. The report shows clearly that the Balearics remain one of the three provinces with the largest market share of pleasure craft with a figure identical to 2011. Amongst all the current pessimism I think we can agree that this is a positive development that could indicate a slowdown of the crisis in our sector. It depends on the activities to be carried out by the Administration in the coming months whether the nautical businesses can once again generate wealth for the community and create jobs.
When it comes to the boat shows the last months of the year are always the busiest. Recently we had one in Barcelona, which we already reported in other newsletters. Another of the big ones, the Genoa Boat Show also just finished, but it didn´t have the success of the previous years. Within short it is time for METS (remember that we have free tickets at AENB) and in late November the Paris Boat Show. This will be the last year that the local companies can count on the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca. The crisis takes its toll on everyone but we are grateful for the work they have carried out in recent years, bringing our companies to where it matters in Europe.
Recently, the Sea Council of the CEOE issued a lengthy report that portrays the maritime sector in our country. This document contains the proceedings and meetings held during last September in which AENB took part in the section "Recreational and Sports Marine". It is a very important scene nationwide where we can expose our demands and suggestions to enhance the nautical sector. Some of the proposals that have come out of the Council are: development of a Global Plan for National Nautical Tourism, the removal of the Special Tax on Certain Means of Transport (Matriculation Tax) when acquiring recreational craft, drafting a General Law of Recreational Navigation, the application of a reduced VAT rate for certain activities related to the practice of water sports, to give the financial leasing contract of a boat the same features and tax benefits as for car leasing like done in Italy and France and equalize the Property Transfer Tax (ITP) paid by yacht brokers to that of their counterparts that sell land based vehicles. As you can see this is a strong starting point, a firm commitment to our future. These are suggestions with a commitment to provide the sector a legislative and fiscal framework in line with reality.
As you know last July our secretary, John Rosselló, a person much loved by all who knew him, passed away. At the last meeting of the Board of AENB Margarita Clar was chosen to perform the functions that once were Juan´s.
I cannot conclude this letter without congratulating STP (Servicios Técnicos Portuarios) for the CAEB Award for the Best Entrepreneurial Practices for Occupational Risk Prevention. A well-deserved award and it adds to the long list of official certifications that STP already has received. They are a clear example that shows us the direction to maintain for the nautical companies for the Balearic Islands, towards quality and excellence.
Margarita Dahlberg.
President from the AENB.
November 2012.
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