Friday, November 30, 2012

Meet our associate: Branagh Marine Composites

BRANAGH MARINE COMPOSITES. Emma Seguí Pickett, the office manager explains us that the company was founded by Mark Branagh, who has an experience of 20 years in the sector. BM Composites dedicates mainly to the repair and fabrication of custom carbon components.

Could you start talking about the trajectory of the company?
Branagh Marine Composites came up in 2005. It is mainly dedicated to the repair and fabrication of custom carbon components. The idea emerged from Mr. Branagh, the owner of the company who has always worked in this sector.

We have grown much during the last years, specially in the last two ones. We are doing very big projects. The present season has gone very well. The results have been very good and we are facing the next years by working hard.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The first meeting of the Nautical Sector Working Group

The first meeting of Working Group of the Nautical Sector took place recently. The principal representatives from the nautical sector, AENB amongst them, directors of the various departments of the government and other members of the public administration participated in the meeting. The objective of the Working Group is to make a diagnostic of the current situation of the nautical sector, listen to the sector´s concerns, recognize the challenges and to establish a plan. We AENB representatives left the meeting with a good feeling and believe it can mark a new beginning for the Balearic nautical sector.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"The new model for the Palma Boat Show is a commitment to the future of the sector”

The Association of Nautical Businesses in the Balearics (AENB) has expressed their satisfaction after the presentation to President Bauzá of the 30th Palma Boat Show. It is a culmination of intense work carried out since the first quarter of the year, when it became known that the government would give a decisive weight to the business sector when it came to designing the new model for the Show.

AENB is one of the entities that form the Advisory Council of the Palma Boat Show. Last September AENB presented to the Advisory Council a project prepared over several months and in which innumerable hours of work and human resources were invested. The Advisory Council and all the public and private organisms that form part of it accepted the proposal and it was presented to the public.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

ANEN has edited the Market Report for Recreational Craft from January to September 2012

Anen has edited the Market Report for Recreational Craft from January to September of 2012. The full document can be accessed through the link

The main industry data for this period is highlighted below: 

- Between January and September 2012 4294 pleasure boats were registered in Spain, which is a decrease of -10.45% compared to the 4795 registrations recorded in the same period last year. 

Of concern is the fact that the month of September has seen a fall of -32.44% over the same month in 2011, from the 336 registrations recorded last year to 227 today. 

- By market sections, the growth in registrations of rigid RIBS (+6.2%) and jets skis (4.4%) stand out. By contrast, the motor boats experienced the largest decline (-19.6%), followed by sail (-12.5%) and inflatable RIBS(-9%). 

ANEN intervenes on behalf of the sector in the Proposed Draft of  General Maritime Law

The Ministry of Justice has reactivated the draft of General Maritime Law which ANEN has been involved in for four years. On October 5th representatives of the various fields in the maritime sector were invited to a workshop to present their positions in relation to this draft, before its presentation to the Parliament. AEGY and ANEN on behalf of the industry were the associations summoned to the meeting which jointly made a presentation based on our needs and, in particular, claimed an independent and differential treatment for recreational yachting, compared to the rest of the maritime sector. 

Our demands were well received and understood, so much so that the proceeding of the project has been delayed one month, until a proposal that meets the legislative requirements of our industry is presented. The legal advisers of AEGY and ANEN are working together to prepare the text, specially regarding the development of specific regulations for the charter activity, which will have a separate chapter in the draft legislation. 

At ANEN we highly value this detail of particular importance for the sector, which means, once and for all a legislative separation of recreational yachting from commercial shipping.

Letter from the President - November 2012

During these months the workload for the Association is considerable. Apart from the regular workshops we assist on we have now joined two new ones: the Sea Council of the CEOE (The Spanish Confederation of Employer´s Organizations) and the Working Group of the Nautical Sector of the Balearic Islands. We are also preparing for next year´s elections to choose the new board of directors for the AENB. 

ANEN recently unveiled the Market Report of Registrations, which states that the Balearic Islands remain one of the provinces with the largest market share of pleasure boats with levels similar to last year´s. 

A few days ago the National Association of Nautical Enterprises (ANEN) published the Market Report for Recreational Craft from January to September 2012. The report shows clearly that the Balearics remain one of the three provinces with the largest market share of pleasure craft with a figure identical to 2011. Amongst all the current pessimism I think we can agree that this is a positive development that could indicate a slowdown of the crisis in our sector. It depends on the activities to be carried out by the Administration in the coming months whether the nautical businesses can once again generate wealth for the community and create jobs.