The main private sector representatives believe Mallorca should further enhance nautical tourism and high-level races in our region. They all agree that this is a desirable visitor profile for its high purchasing power and its ability to lengthen the tourist season. They also agree that charter sailing (the most common activity in this type of tourism) supports the Balearics and puts behind other destinations such as France or Italy. Hoteliers see pleasure boats capture a strategic sector for quality tourism, The Holy Grail that the different regional governments have sought for decades.
The manager of the Federation of Mallorca Hotel Companies (FEHM), Inmaculada Benito explains that "tourist satisfaction is made conditional to the experiences you can enjoy in the destination where you decide to spend your vacation." Therefore nautical tourism 'is strategic for the positioning of Mallorca as different non-distilled, transverse and experiential. "
PIMECO President, Bernat Coll, is of the same mind and calls for "public administration give all possible facilities for this tourism continues to grow and generate wealth in our economy" and ensure that foreign sailors "are interested in trading with the Balearic Islands ". Alfonso Robledo, president of Restoration PIMEM, supports Coll's words and said "the fact that large supermarket chains are opening stores in the yacht clubs to serve transient vessels is a demonstration of the importance of nautical tourism expenditure".
For his part, President of AFEDECO, Tomeu Servera, warned of the negative effect of certain messages that are dropped from the Government (referring to the issue of anchoring on Posidonia), which spread alarm among those who are willing to bear the high costs to enjoy our waters. CAEB and Mallorca Chamber of Commerce have repeatedly shown their support for this type of tourism.
AFEDECO and PIMECO see the Audi Mapfre Copa del Rey as a great opportunity for SMEs. "It is certainly a great incentive for Mallorca to remain one of the premier tourist and sports of the Mediterranean," says Bernat Coll. For his part, President of the Chamber of Commerce, of Industry and Navigation of Mallorca, Joan Gual de Torrella emphasizes the economic aspect. Gual explains that "the level of spending that made the participants in the race outweighs the traditional tourist, which has direct additional supply of the island" and adds that "the King's Cup has tremendous benefits not only economic but also in other matters, as the benefit to the image of Mallorca as a tourist destination in general and high-end nautical tourism in particular, or the constant adaptation and modernization of port infrastructure of holding an event of this kind.
"The president of the employers CAEB, Josep Oliver, notes that "tourism is an event which has placed us, fortunately, one of the world's top marine tourism 'and that helps to maintain business as trade and restoration and the jobs they generate."Openness to the city"The president of the Business Association for the Restoration of Mallorca, Pilar Carbonell, expressed his dissatisfaction by denying Cort area restaurants extending their hours during the Copa del Rey and reiterated its support for the conclusion of the race and it is an event that "drives the economy and opens the city" to the sailors. Carbonell stated that CAEB and PIMEM, have a booth at the Village of Sa Feixina, which provides comprehensive information on restaurants.
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