The president of the Nautical Association of PIMEEF has been present in all talks being held yesterday in Santa Eulalia. Although we evaluated the option of not celebrating it, Morente said they could not miss the appointment with the public this year that marks two decades since it began operating the event. "We think it was worth making the effort to join"
SOURCE: JOURNAL OF IBIZA, 29 APRIL 2012, supplement Boat Show
Paco Murillo - Eivissa
Morente Francisco, president of the Nautical Association of the Company Petita i Mitjana Ibiza and Formentera, facing forward to the celebration of the twentieth Boat Show in Santa Eulalia, where industry representatives of recreational boating in the Balearic Islands show their products before the start of the summer season. The economic crisis also affects sales of boats, but employers Pitiusan are "optimistic" for the future.
I do not think there's any secret. I think the record, the desire to work and the high level of companies in the Balearic Islands we have earned these twenty years. Although, obviously, we are also promoting the sector moves. The island is sailing center of attraction.Developments across Europe and worldwide to Ibiza to arrive before the Peninsula. For example, we now have here a Mercury 350 which still is not sold in Spain.
- Have you had difficulties to get through this year?
In October we had a meeting at PIMEEF and we plan not to do the show this year. But the City of Santa Eulalia had much interest from the industry and we do not hold the show in its twentieth anniversary, a step backward. Lose a job done for many years. Missing only one firm with respect to 2011, but we are with much encouragement and joy. There are plenty of new boats.
- What is the budget this show?
The organization is between 10,000 and 15,000 euros. But they must be added individual costs of each participating company, which are usually between 4,500 and 6,000 euros spent on advertising, displacement of vessels, fuel, pay the staff etc...
- How has the evolution of this show?
Since we started, we followed a constant evolution. I have been present in all editions. We started the event to promote the marina of Santa Eulalia and the sale of its moorings. At that time the marine industry Pitiusan was very small and in the early years of the show had very few boats on display. Now it has become a very important level. If not held, people would miss.
- What to expect from the show?
Well, after you have canceled the Palma Boat Show, which had an international character, we are optimistic that we can continue the Boat Show in Santa Eulalia. We are encouraged. The important thing is to reach twenty years and hope to close some sales, but the main thing is that people come along and we promote a little. If we sell things better, but expectations are not very good because we know you are falling. Although we believe that it was worth making the effort to follow.
- What will be the people who pass through Santa Eulalia see these days?
Since air from 2 to 14 meters, fiber-board boats of different lengths, all types of water effects, an insurance agency ... There is a significant representation of nautical companies working in the Balearic Islands. We must also review the evidence to be at sea and this year we have a jet ski exhibition on Sunday.
- What price range are the models that are presented?
From 500 to more than 500,000 euros. There are boats for every budget.
- What would you say to the citizens to visit the exhibition?
Well it's a holiday and take the opportunity to visit. We are available to inform them and give them a boat trip. I also hope that the weather with us.
-Some people think that sailing is an elitist industry ...
Well, in Spain 80% of private boats are of lengths below eight feet. The remaining 20% is a minority, which could itself be seen as an elitist group. It is true that having a boat is a luxury, but not to the point of considering it elitist.
- What is the health of sailing in the Balearic Islands?
Almost every company we have spent many years working and I think our situation is good. We know there have been years away when very excellent. Not that we are now earning money, but we endure times of crisis with enough dignity.
- Anything to vindicate the rulers?
First, the issue of charter boats. To take one of eight meters is required for charter yacht captain or coasting, the same as for a boat of 25 or 30 meters. I think they should regulate the rules for yacht owners could handle these charter boats to yachts of 12 meters. Then the other complaint is that our industry we are not taken into account when discussing issues ampliacionesde nautical ports or creating new facilities. We are a very important and we must count on us.
- What do the construction of new marinas?
We are in favor of creating new facilities if they really needed, but is something that should be studied thoroughly. But above all we need room for beaching boats and working with our customers.
- Is being exploited enough nautical tourism in the Balearic Islands?
I believe not. We're a little vulnerable and is hurting us with taxes. We are the only country in Europe that we are paying the VAT, plus 12% extra registration on vessels of more than eight metres
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