Our decision to announce that this year there would not be a boat show, serves the interests of the majority of our partners. We think it's sad not to hold it, not only the event itself but the underlying cause, that companies for some time now have not been economically strong. We must not forget that this show (even in previous years, which were very bad) never gave losses and, despite heavy loads which it underwent, most of the time it has made enough profit to help support other fairs in other sectors. This year the Government has given almost no facilities for exhibitors. The timid discounts offered were not enough to attract business. The minimum number of entries, two months prior were not reached so it was immediately cancelled.
Moreover, we are aware that there is a need for firms to present themselves and that the cost of the Palma Show for some of them is unaffordable at this time. Therefore, the boat show to be held in the coming days in Alcúdia (21st and 22nd) is an opportunity for companies whose market is local and its cost is a great opportunity (the cost is only € 60, € 50 for members of AENB and FENIB). This fee will be for the costs of promoting fair, press and radio, because the space is of no charge. Along with FENIB we have met with officials of the City and, conscious of the need to promote the event for visitors attending, there will be extensive promotion in newspapers and local radio. Alcudia Fair meets at this time, price, local market, promotion and new events that makes it really attractive, not only for exhibitors for visitors also. Apart from experience, it is the seventh year that takes place. I beg you not to hesitate to participate and if you need more information contacting us through the usual means.
This April there are elections at the National Association of Marine (ANEN) AENB has long since been part of its Board of Directors and contributor ideas, proposals and demands to the agenda of ANEN. Aware of the national importance of the sector in the Balearic Islands, they have asked us to renew our commitment to them and form part of the new board if it is re-elected. For us it is an honor and an opportunity to bring to the very door of the senior management notice of problems.
The project aims to enhance Balearsnautic to sailing as a strategic sector and be a web portal channeling and integrating the supply of products and nautical services of our islands. From AENB we support this and we have built into this project because under current conditions, market activity leads to the need for companies to apply a strategy based on new information technologies and communication. AENB will be able to be present in the process of designing the virtual Boat Show and in turn integrate the promotion and dissemination efforts to do. Thus, we get in return a much wider audience than we got today. Companies will have a "stand" free with multiple languages and geotagging. Within its stand will be marketed supply of products and services of each. From here you can go by adding "fair service" this "stand" which is much more attractive. It will be a base that everyone can participate at no cost. As we have more news we will inform you.
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