Although the high season still has not finished, many of us need to be strong and pay attention to our customers and attend the different boat shows that will be celebrated in the next months. Like the one in Monaco, that finished not long ago. And according to the Balearic companies that participated, it had an excellent rating. Tere will also be another boat show in Barcelona, that will be celebrated in less than two weeks. On the other hand, in our island, the yacht sector awakes again eternal debates like the posidonia. From our part, in AENIB, we continue focused on vocational studies and professional qualifications for the workers of the sector.
A few days ago, an editorial from one of the newspapers with largest circulation in Mallorca, pointed out that the general director of Natural Spaces and Biodiversity had been ceased from her position. It was because she was inactive when chasing indiscriminate anchoring in posidonia meadows. We do not know if it is an exaggeration of the newspaper, or if it is one of the reasons to cease her. If it was the last case, we do not know where is this data taken from, because the posidonia anchorings are an exception in our sector. It is unfair that people judge one collective for the mistakes of a few. And if any political and simplistic decision would be taken to legislate against anchoring in general, they would be destroying years of work and effort. Not only from the own administration, but also for thousands of people that fight every day to keep recreational yachting to the highest possible level.