Letter from the general secretary of ANEN:
As the year changes I would like to take the opportunity to pass you on behalf of the whole ANEN team our best wishes and our deepest gratitude for your support and your trust in our work as your representative.
We start from a point of having overcome the two most important challenges of the past year: the hard reality of the crisis and the updating of our legal framework, with the publication of the new General Law of Maritime Navigation - which recognises for the first time the recreational yachting as a separate nautical entity - and the reform of the nautical qualifications, which allows us to compete in improved conditions with our European counterparts.
Additionally, our capacity as the national association representing the industrial and entrepreneurial nautical sector has been strengthened by the influx of new members: 60 new associated companies and integration of new regional associations, like the Union of Nautical Companies from the Community of Valencia.
We have to take advantage of this inertia in 2015 and therefore can not miss any opportunity to face new objectives. Our experience in all areas of action and our representative weight towards the administration has grown and will continue growing if we keep going in the same direction under the banner of ANEN.
Some of the objectives have already started to take shape. As you know, on a legislative level we have started to work with Direction General of the Merchant Navy on the text to provide professional scope for the nautical qualifications.
Regarding employment, the future National Collective Agreement for the Nautical Sector, a project driven by ANEN, has already set up the initial negotiations, enabling us to continue the process until the constitution of the agreement. On top of that, in the coming weeks we will incorporate a Nautical Job Exchange into our website.
On the other hand, we have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Education with an aim to create, under the counsel of ANEN, new competencies for professional training, specialised in the nautical sector.
And carrying on with the Nautical Congress, which has already consolidated itself as a reference point and a must for the tradespeople of the sector on a national level, we are already working on the organisation of the III edition, which will take place again in Barcelona, on the 11-12th of March.
With this brief review of our activities, I would like to reassert as the secretary general of ANEN and on behalf of the whole team at the Association, our gratitude and our excitement, hope and support for the next 12 months.
Carlos Sanlorenzo
General Secretary