Friday, May 23, 2014

End of late payments and abandoned boats in the Balearic ports

The current Law of Ports will put an end to almost 10 years of demands by the Balearic nautical sector. The local government has been working nearly a year on the modification of the current normative, approved in 2005, to regulate the infrastructures under the regional competency, and the new text is almost ready. It has already been registered in the Parliament and has the backing of the whole industry: marinas, yacht clubs and the government itself. On Friday the last amendments were added before the parliamentary process.

The absolute majority of the PP in Parliament guarantees that the process won´t get disrupted. It will go ahead with all the corrections and important changes. The most prominent one deals with the measures in case of abandoned vessels and late payments in the ports of indirect management on the islands, an issue that has caused a lot of problems for the yacht clubs and marinas, and nearly 10 years of complaints about it. The amendment was presented by Popular Party representative in the Parliament, Carlos Veramendi.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

José Ramón Bauzá and the Balearic entrepreneurs stand united

The president of the Balearic government and the Popular Party, José Ramón Bauzá, assured last week that thanks to the coordinated efforts between the administration and the nautical businesses of the Balearics, the region has returned to its position as "a reference in the international nautical market".

This declaration took place during a meeting with the nautical sector, in which participated also the Minister of Tourism, Jaime Martinez, and the local candidate for the European parliament, Rosa Estarás. During the course of the meeting, the president of the nautical Trade Association of the Balearic Islands, Margarita Dahlberg, thanked the government "for having kept their promises". Additionally, Dahlberg asked Estarás to "continue working in Europe to defend the interests of all the citizens of the Balearic Islands, as you have done during the past term". She also requested for an effort to be made to harmonize the VAT on charters with our neighboring countries.Bauzá reaffirmed his commitment with the nautical sector, which he has stamped as "strategic", and pointed out that "thanks to the coordinated efforts between the administration and the nautical businesses, we have retaken our position as a reference in the international nautical market".
Read the complete article Nauta 360.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The latest news regarding the matriculation tax

Can an owner use his/her yacht and still be eligible for exemption of the matriculation tax for nautical charter?

An owner of a yacht or anybody linked to him/her can use the yacht and still be eligible for the exemption of the matriculation tax (IEDMT) reserved for yachts dedicated exclusively for charter (art. 66.1.g) Law 38/1992 of Special Taxes): (i) always, when the use of the yacht takes place outside Spanish territorial waters, as the application of the regulations regarding the Special Taxes is limited to the national territory only, and (ii) in Spanish territorial waters, always when the beneficial owner or persons linked to him/her are not resident in Spain nor have any establishment in Spain.

As ANEN informed already months ago, on the 30th of October 2013  a modification to the Law of Special Taxes (Law 38/1992, or L.I.E) came into force, an initiative driven by ANEN, AEGY and AENIB, which saw the elimination of maximum length for the exemption of the matriculation tax for recreational and sports boats dedicated exclusively for charter (article 66.1.g) of the Law 38/1992).

The said measure should allow that the exemption meant for vessels dedicated exclusively for charter (art.66.1g) L.I.E) is applied to all types of recreational vessels, specially the superyachts, as the exemption was previously applicable only to boats up to 15 meters of length.

However, as the superyachts are normally dedicated to mixed activities: (i) charter activity and (ii) private use by the beneficial owner or by persons linked to him/her, it seemed that - at least as interpreted by the Regional Branch of Customs and Special Taxes - the requirement for "exclusive commercial use" established in the said article 66.1.g)  L.I.E was not fulfilled, and lead to a conclusion according to which "there is no charter activity when a vessel is ceded for charter by its owner, whenever the said owner or another person linked to him/her receives through ownership a right for sole or partial use of the referred vessel or of any other vessel that is owner is also the assignee or linked to the assignee".

Saturday, May 10, 2014

AENIB participates in the official celebrations of Europe Day with CAEB

The Europe Day was celebrated on the 9th of may on the patio of Sa Llotja in Palma. The principal authorities of the Balearic Islands alongside with the consular corps of the Autonomic community participated in the official ceremony. The Nautical Trade Association of the Balearic Islands (AENIB) was represented in the celebration by the president of the Association, Margarita Dahlberg, who was accompanied by the new president of CAEB, Carmen Planas. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

The recreational yacht market grows by 23,68% in April

- it is the most positive piece of information in the recreational yacht market since the middle of 2008. April 2014 shows already a consolidation of this year by changing the sign from minus to plus and by maintaining a progressive growth since October last year.

- in the first four months of the year, registration of all lengths increase, a tendency that extends practically to all the segments of the recreational market.

- the registrations in the charter market grow by more than 100% between january and April 2014, in comparison with the same period last year.

- by provinces, the Balearic Islands, Barcelona and Cádiz are at the top of the market, in that order.

According to the information by Directorate General of the Merchant Navy, and once analyzed by the Spanish Nautical Trade Association, in April 2014 a total of 397 recreational vessels were registered in Spain, which means an increase  by 23,68% in comparison to to the 321 registrations in April 2013. In the accumulated total so far (January-April 2014) , 1057 vessels have been registered, an 11,85% more than in the same period in 2013, when 945 recreational vessels were registered.

There is a spectacular increase in the charter boats registrations in the first four months of the year 2014. With 71 registered vessels (including jet skis) for  charter between January and April, the charter market shows an increase of 108% compared to the same period last year when 34 vessels were registered for charter. In April, 29 recreational vessels were registered, a 70,59% more than in April 2013 when 17 boats were registered.

By length, the boats over 16 m grow by 60% in the first four months of 2014, with 8 registrations compared to the 5 in the same period last year.  The segment between 12 and 16 m increases by 40,91% with 31 new registrations compared to the 22 registrations between January and April 2013. The boats between 8 and 12 m grow by 21,13% with 86 registrations in this period,  compared to the 71 registrations in the first third of 2013. The lengths up to 8 m, the most popular bracket with a market share of 88,17%, grow by 10% by April 2014, registering 932 vessels against the 847 corresponding to the same period last year.

By the type of boat, registrations of jet skis grow (56,58%) followed by semirigid inflatables (32,88%) and motor boats (2,57%). Only the inflatable boat market experiences a slight drop of -4,14%.

By provinces, in the accumulated total so far (January to April 2014), three regions are at the top of the market: the Balearic Islands in the top spot with a market share of 11,35% and an increase of registrations by 3,45%, followed by Barcelona with a market share of 9,18% and an increase of registrations by 14,12%, and in the third position Cádiz with a 9,08% market share and an increase of registrations by 62,71%.

The growth in Alicante is also worth a mention; 97,06% increase in registrations that results in a market share of 6,34%, not forgetting Madrid with an increase of registrations by 40% and a market share of 6,62%.

The associates of ANEN can find more detailed figures on the ANEN website.

Letter from the president - May 2014

An outstanding Palma Boat Show finished last Sunday with a saldo of more visitors, more exhibitors and more potential buyers than last year, a success that we hope will be reflected in the volume of business in the coming months. Over the last weeks we have received also some other important news, for example the increase of year to year boat sales and the forecasted growth of nautical tourism in Spain.

In just two years Palma Boat Show has reached the potential to become one of the most important shows in the Mediterranean. This event, built on the foundations of the project presented by AENIB through the Organizing Committee last year, is capable of  attracting more visitors, exhibitors and potential buyers year after year. It is still early to evaluate the results in depth, but  the opinions you have passed to us so far indicate that the exhibitors have been able to make the most of these five days. We also  appreciate the extra effort the exhibitors did by programming additional activities and presentations that made the show more attractive and dynamic. 

Looking ahead towards the the next edition, we hope that the work continues to keep the show up to the expectations and in line with the importance of the Balearic Islands within the recreational nautical market. To reach this, it is important that the Organizing Committee and all the organizations that make part of it, will have the same prominence and the decision making power as last year. The new model of the show, capable of great things, was born out of collaboration between the public and the private sectors. This very same spirit will carry the Palma Boat Show to become one of the greatest in the Mediterranean.

The II Nautical Congress, organized by ANEN,  took place in the beginning of April. It was an event of great significance, in which we were pleased to participate together with many of our associates. During two intensive days the Spanish nautical business sector debated many for our future important issues, like the necessary fiscal and administrative reforms, the new nautical qualifications, the development of the nautical sector in other countries etc. The large number of participants in the Congress was an indicator of the importance of the event and shows also the concern of the nautical industry for the issues  it is affected by. On behalf of AENIB we would like to thank ANEN for organizing the event and congratulate for its media impact.

AENIB asks the VAT on nautical charter to be harmonized with the rest of Europe

In a meeting on the 8th of May with some members of the local government, leaders of the Popular Party in the Balearic Islands and the MEP Rosa Estarás, the Association of the Nautical Trade in the Balearic Islands (AENIB) requested an effort to be made to harmonize the VAT paid on nautical charter with the rest of our neighbours. The president of AENIB, Margarita Dahlberg, took advantage of the occasion to express gratitude towards the local government and the Popular Party for their commitment the recreational nautical sector in the Balearics. In continuation she asked Estarás to "continue working in Europe to defend the interests of all the residents of the Balearic Islands as she was doing during the previous term".

The president of the Balearic government, José Ramón Bauzá, emphasized his commitment to the sector, which he calls "strategic", and pointed out that "thanks to coordinated efforts between the administration and the businesses, we have become once again a reference point in the international nautical scene".

On the other hand, he reminded that "when I was still a candidate, one of the first requests of the sector was the elimination of the matriculation tax for charter yachts, and although at that point I didn´t have the power to do anything about it, I committed myself to try to get rid of this tax, which has now happened". It was a tax, he said, that "made us uncompetitive against other destinations like France or Italy".

Additionally, he expressed his disagreement with the "unpleasant surprise" caused by the central government´s announcement of the increase of the light house tax, something that "we were opposed from the word go, and have worked against in the local Ministry of Tourism".

Thursday, May 8, 2014

More than 200 representatives of the business sector rallied CAEB and CEOE into the new era and paid homage to Josep Oliver

More than 200 representatives of the business sector rallied around the Confederation of Trade Associations of the Balearics (CAEB) and the Spanish Confederation of Trade Organizations (CEOE) into the new stage, and at the same time paid homage to Josep Oliver Mari, the until last month president of CAEB. The event was chaired by Carmen Planas, who received the congratulations of those present for leading the confederation into the new era, characterized by the slogan "Renovate, create and innovate". CAEB, and more specifically Carmen Planas, has the support of CEOE, represented at the event by the president, Joan Rosell, and by Narciso Casado, the Cabinet Director of the Presidency and Institutional Relations of CEOE. The business sector was also represented by the vice presidents of CAEB; Aurelio Vázquez, Eduardo López, Pau Belinfante, Francisco Martorell, Joan Bufí, y Joan Melis; by the treasurer Rafael Roig, and by the principal presidents of the business organizations of CAEB.

On behalf of the rest of the society, the president of the local Government, José Ramón Bauzá; the Delegate of the central Government Teresa Palmer, the President of the Parliament, Margalida Durán, the Mayor of Palma, Mateu Isern lead the procession of public institutions with plenty of senior officials and local government ministers, like the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Joaquin García: the Minister of Taxation and Budgets, José Vicente Marí; the Minister of Agriculture and Environment, Gabriel Company. Also assisted the secretary general of PSIB-PSOE, Francina Armengol, and the highest representatives of the biggest workers union, Manuel Pelarda, of UGT, and Katiana Vicens.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Flat rate of 50 € to use the ramps in the Balearics

The director general of the ports and airports, Antonio Deudero, presented at the 31st Palma Boat Show the new annual access card to the 15 launching ramps in the 13 ports managed by the Balearic Ports (Ports IB). Aimed at the owners of small craft which is not moored but transported on a trailer, this card has an annual cost of 50 € and allows an unlimited use of the launching ramps managed by Ports IB in the Balearic Islands.

According to the director general, "this card extends the nautical services to general use for the residents, so that everybody can enjoy activities at sea. It is an accessible, economical and reliable service".

With a reference to the destination of the income collected with the cards, Deudero assured that it will be used to cover the costs of the service, "to control the ramps in order maintain them in good condition".

In the presentation participated also the general manager of Ports IB, David Gómez, and the treasurer  of the Nautical Trade Association in the Balearic Islands (AENIB), Maritina  Campins, representing the private sector.

Those interested in obtaining the card, can download the application form on the website of Ports IB,

Article by Panorama Náutico.

Monday, May 5, 2014

A successful edition of the Palma International Boat Show draws to an end

The 31st edition of the Palma International Boat Show, which closes its gates today after 5 days of exhibition in the Moll Vell area of the Balearic capital, has been an all around success, both when it comes to the number of exhibitors and moorings, which have increased by 20 and 75% respectively compared to last year, as well as to the number and type of visitors, level of satisfaction by the exhibitors and business volume.
The show received around 32.000 visitors, increasing from last years figures, while the invited guests are still to be counted. The public holiday on the first of May was the busiest day, second busiest being the closing Sunday.

The director of the event, Chema Sans, assured that "the show has been more noticeable than ever in the city, but looking further than the figures, more importantly the visitor profile has been that of a yachting enthusiast, a potential buyer, while last year people came mainly to stroll around".

According to the information collected by the organization, this has resulted in increased business volume, not only when it comes to boats but also equipment and accessories. In fact, the complementary services benefited from the direct sales at the show, something that hasn´t happened for a long time.

On the other hand, more than 90% of the exhibitors are planning to return next year, in fact many of the larger companies have already reserved space. Out of those 90% more than half have requested more exhibition space, specially on the floating exhibition, which signifies a high level of satisfaction. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Francisco Morente, president of the nautical association of Pimeef: "Events like this fair are necessary"

Morente is of the opinion that in times of economical crisis it is vital to organize events like the nautical fair of Santa Eulalia, because they "invigorate the different sectors", in this case one that is of vital importance to Ibiza - the recreational yachting. He also states that the nautical businesses make a great effort to participate in the Nautical Fair of Santa Eulalia, and invites the locals to come for a stroll to the port during the event.

What are the expectations regarding this new edition of the Nautical Fair of Santa Eulalia?
We hope that the weather cooperates during this 22nd edition, so that families feel tempted to have a nice out enjoying the fair and the wide range of activities that are available in the municipality to celebrate the festivities of the first Sunday of May. We´ll be more than satisfied when people approach the port to get to know the fair.

What can the visitor find at the fair?
Well, the first thrill for the visitor will be the new image of the port of Santa Eulária, which has been hosting this event since 22 years and has been recently completely renovated, thus upgrading the image of the whole municipality and giving more value to the client. When it comes to the exhibition, the latest models of boats, inflatables, jet skis, electronics and nautical equipment will be on show.

Are there any discounts in boat prices due to the event?
As every year, the exhibitors will have special offers for the visitors.

Are events like this viable in the financial straits we are living in?
It is not a question of viability. These events are necessary. In difficult times it more important than ever to organize events in order to put new energy into the different sectors of the economy.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The general secretary of ANEN tackles the future of the sector in the XV Symposium of Tourist Ports

"New era, new challenges" was the theme of the XV Symposium of Tourist Ports, which took place in the Marina de Denia last week.

The general secretary of ANEN, Carlos Sanlorenzo, participated in the event as a representative of the employers in the nautical sector with an address titled  "Tendencies in, and the future of the nautical sector". In his intervention, after a brief presentation of the current boat market figures,  Carlos Sanlorenzo explained what the priorities of ANEN are at the moment both in the legislative area - drive forward the reform of the nautical qualifications - as well as in fiscal terms, important so that the recreational yachting in Spain can be harmonized  with the tendencies in the international markets.

With reference to cooperation between ANEN and FEAPDT, specially when it comes to the question of abandoned vessels, the general secretary of ANEN emphasized the importance of this collaboration in order to reach the proposed goals and to cement the new outlook of the sector.