In Spain we can´t waste the opportunity to promote the use of boats and make the enjoyment of nautical activities easier, and to facilitate the acquisition of nautical qualifications, without unreasonable demands and complexities. Paving the way right from the start, simplifying the access to a Nautical Certificate (equivalent of the current "titulin"), rationalizing the theoretical part of all the qualifications, reducing the practical lessons and demands on the content of radio communications - specially for the most popular qualifications like PER - will benefit the whole sector.
That´s the way to go according to AEGY (The Spanish Superyacht Association, AENIB (The Association of the Nautical Enterprises in the Balearic Islands), ANAVRE (The Recreational Yachtsmen´s Association), CME (the Spanish Maritime Cluster), The Marine Council of CEOE (The Spanish Confederation of Employer´s Organizations) and FEAPDT (The Spanish Federation of Associations of Tourist Marinas), who together with ANEN (The National Association of Nautical Enterprises) join their forces to reclaim the urgency to speed up the parliamentary processes necessary for ratification of the Ministerial Order of the reform of the nautical qualifications.