week becomes effective the limitation of cash payments, introduced in
the Law 7/2012 of 29th of October about the modification of tax and
budget regulations and adaptation of the financial normative in line
with the intensified prevention and battle against fraud. Amongst other
measures in the Law is also the limitation of cash payments, which we
detail in continuation.
In this respect, the article 7 of the above mentioned law establishes that it
is not allowed to pay in cash equal or superior amount to 2.500 euros
in such operations where one of the intervening participants is an
entrepreneur or a professional, (15.000 euros if the payer is a
private person who is not a fiscal resident in Spain and does not
participate in the operation as an entrepreneur or a professional),
breach of which is considered a serious administrative offense.
To this effect, as cash payment are considered both national and foreign
notes and coins, and bank cheques to carrier or any other medium, even
electronic, conceived to be used as a payment to carrier.